NBI Clearance Online: Your Ultimate Guide to Seamless NBI Clearance Online Application!

December 11, 2023 6:40 am

NBI Clearance Online — Here at NBI Clearance Online, we pride ourselves on being your go-to source for all things NBI Clearance Online. And guess what? We’ve cooked up something special just for you – a fresh, updated guide on effortlessly tackling the NBI Clearance Online application process.

We get it; the question of how to apply for an NBI Clearance Online has been thrown at us more times than we can count. It’s like a digital riddle, and we’re here to be your online sherpa, guiding you through the twists and turns of this process.

So, what’s our secret sauce? It’s as straightforward as your favorite recipe: Step 1 – Go to NBI Clearance Online and register an account. Easy, right? That’s the initial stride in a series of steps that lead to your shiny new NBI Clearance.

Curious about the latest and greatest tips for 2024? We’ve got you covered! Our updated article on “How to Apply for NBI Clearance Online in 2024” is packed with the freshest insights to make your online journey a breeze.

Still feeling a bit perplexed? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. That’s why we’re rolling out the red carpet for our comprehensive guide on NBI Online Registration. No fancy tech jargon or confusing instructions – just a friendly roadmap to help you breeze through the process.

And here’s our promise: read the entire article, and if you’re still left with a question mark hanging over your head, drop us a comment. We’re not just throwing words into the digital void – we’re here for you. Your questions are our cue to dive deeper, explain further, and ensure you’re on the right track.

Ready to embark on this NBI Clearance adventure together? Let’s get started!

A. NBI Clearance Requirements

Embarking on the journey of securing your NBI Clearance Online is a significant step toward various opportunities. To ensure a seamless experience, it’s crucial to acquaint yourself with the prerequisites that form the foundation of this process. In this guide, we are committed to providing you with a clear, user-friendly roadmap to navigate the essentials for a successful NBI Clearance application.

Before diving into the specifics, let’s understand the importance of being well-prepared. Familiarizing yourself with the NBI Clearance Requirements sets the stage for an efficient and hassle-free application experience. We’re here to make this journey as smooth as possible for you.

Valid IDs: The key to a successful NBI Clearance application begins with having the right identification documents. We’ve compiled a comprehensive list to cater to various needs:

  • Social Security System ID (UMID)
  • Government Service Insurance System ID (UMID)
  • Passport
  • Philhealth ID
  • Voter’s ID or Certificate of Registration
  • BIR / TIN ID
  • PRC License
  • Driver’s License
  • Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR)
  • Pag-IBIG ID (not the Loyalty Card)
  • NSO / PSA-Authenticated Birth Certificate
  • Postal ID
  • Police Clearance
  • Certification from the Local Civil Registrar
  • School ID
  • Solo Parent ID
  • Seaman’s Book
  • Senior Citizen ID
  • Security License ID (for security guards)

Make sure to bring Two (2) Valid IDs from the list.

Confirmed NBI Online Appointment: Securing a confirmed online appointment through the official NBI website is a pivotal step. This not only streamlines your visit to the NBI Clearance center but also plays a crucial role in managing the flow of applicants. It significantly reduces waiting times, ensuring an efficient and hassle-free experience.

Completing the necessary payment for your scheduled NBI Clearance Online appointment is equally essential. An unpaid appointment is considered incomplete and may lead to complications. By understanding and fulfilling this requirement, you contribute to the overall efficiency of the application process.

A. Register an Account with NBI Clearance Online

  1. Access the Official NBI Clearance Website:

Launch your internet browser and go to the official NBI Clearance website at clearance.nbi.gov.ph.

Access the Official NBI Clearance Website
  1. Agree to Terms and Close Data Privacy Content:

On the initial window, click the “I Agree” button and then proceed to click “Close.” No need to go through the Data Privacy Content; it’s just a formality.

Agree to Terms and Close Data Privacy Content
  1. Navigate to the Registration Box:

On the right side of the webpage, locate the “REGISTER” box. Focus on the “DO YOU HAVE AN NBI CLEARANCE ISSUED FROM 2014 TO PRESENT?” option. Tick the “NO” box to update the NBI Clearance Online Registration Form.

Navigate to the Registration Box
  1. Fill Out Personal Information:

Begin completing the form with your Personal Information, including Gender, Civil Status, Birth Date, complete name (First, Middle, and Last name), mobile number, an active email address, and a secure password.

Fill Out Personal Information

Check the box next to “READ and ACCEPT TERMS OF SERVICES,” and click the “AGREE” button.
Confirm that you’re not a robot by ticking the “I’m not a robot” captcha.

Double-check the information for accuracy; it cannot be edited later. If satisfied, click the “Sign Up” button.

  1. Receive and Enter One Time Password (OTP):

Shortly, you’ll receive a One Time Password (OTP) on your registered mobile number. Enter the OTP correctly in the designated field on the webpage and click the submit button.

Receive and Enter One Time Password (OTP)

If you haven’t received the OTP within 5 minutes, request a resend by clicking “RESEND ONE TIME PASSWORD.” Note that the OTP has a 5-minute expiration window.

  1. Check Email for Activation Link:

After providing the OTP, A new window will pop up, indicating that an email has been sent to your registered email address.

Check Email for Activation Link
  1. Open and Read Activation Email:

Open your email inbox (used during registration) and locate the email sent by “NBI Online Services.”
Read the email contents carefully.

Open and Read Activation Email
  1. Activate Account through Email Link:

Inside the email, click the “Activate Account” link. This will redirect you back to the NBI Clearance website.

Activate Account through Email Link
    1. Confirm Activation:

    After successfully following the email link, you’ll see a confirmation screen stating that your NBI Clearance 2024 Account is now activated. Congratulations! You’re now ready to log in to your account (WWW.NBI CLEAREANCE.GOV.PH LOGIN).

    Confirm Activation

    And there you have it! You’ve successfully completed the NBI Clearance 2024 registration process.

    B. NBI Clearance Online Account Login

    1. Access Your Account

    To proceed, click the “Login” text link, which redirects you to the same page where you initially registered.

    Access Your Account

    On the upper right side of the screen, locate the “Sign In” section.

    Enter your registered email address and password.

    Click the “Sign in” button to access your NBI Clearance Online account.

    C. NBI Clearance Application Form

    1. Complete Applicant Information Form:

    Since this is your first login for NBI Clearance application, the website will prompt you to fill out the NBI Clearance Online 2024 Applicant Information Form.

    Complete Applicant Information Form

    Enter any missing personal information accurately. Once all required details are filled, click the “SAVE INFORMATION” button below.

    1. Review and Confirm Information:

    A pop-up window displays all the personal information you entered. Take a moment to review this data carefully for accuracy, as any mistakes will reflect on your printed NBI Clearance issued by www.nbi clearance.gov.ph.

    Review and Confirm Information

    If you are certain and content with the provided information, click the “Submit” button.

    By completing this step, you’ve successfully filled out the NBI Clearance Online application form. The next exciting move in this process? Scheduling your NBI Appointment! Stay with us as we guide you through the next steps.

    D. Schedule an Appointment for NBI Clearance Application

    1. Initiate Appointment Process:

    For desktop users (on the right side) or mobile users (at the top), locate the “APPLY FOR CLEARANCE” button and click it to kickstart your NBI Online appointment process.

    Initiate Appointment Process
    1. Select Valid ID and Agree:

    After clicking, a pop-up window appears, prompting you to choose a valid ID from the dropdown list.
    For example, select UMID (SSS and GSIS), input the ID number, and click the “I AGREE” button.

    Select Valid ID and Agree
    1. Review Important Information:

    Another pop-up window provides essential information. It emphasizes that after selecting your payment option, you’ll receive a registration code or reference number. This serves as your pass for NBI Clearance Processing Area entry.

    Review Important Information

    Close the window once you’ve finished reading.

    1. Navigate NBI Clearance Appointment System:

    The system presents four key components: NBI Branch, Date and Time of Appointment, NBI Clearance Fee, and payment mode for the fee.

    Navigate NBI Clearance Appointment System
    1. Select Preferred NBI Branch:

    Choose the NBI Branch where you want to process your NBI Clearance (www.NBI.GOV.PH Online). Pick the most convenient location.

    Select Preferred NBI Branch
    1. Choose Appointment Date and Time:

    Once the branch is selected, available appointment slots will be displayed on the calendar. Click on your preferred date, considering AM or PM time slots.

    Choose Appointment Date and Time
    1. Verify Appointment Schedule:

    Check if the “Appointment Schedule” section reflects the chosen NBI Branch and the selected Date and Time for your appointment or www.nbi.gov.ph online appointment.

    Verify Appointment Schedule
    1. Select Payment Option:

    To finalize your appointment, choose a payment option. GCash or Paymaya is recommended for convenience.

    Select Payment Option
    1. Use GCash for Payment:

    In this example, select GCash as the payment option. A small pop-up window appears; click “PROCEED” and “Proceed to Payment.”

    Use GCash for Payment

    Disregard the displayed amount (P130) as it’s not the final fee.

    Disregard the displayed amount (P130) as it's not the final fee.
    1. Payment Details and QR Code:

    Upon clicking, a window displays a QR code (not necessary for GCash payment).
    Below, you’ll find the fee breakdown: NBI Clearance Fee (P130) and a System Fee (P30), totaling P160.00.

    Payment Details and QR Code

    Get ready for the next phase of your NBI Clearance Online journey – the upcoming step will guide you through the seamless process of making your NBI Clearance Fee payment.

    E. NBI Clearance Fee Payment

    1. Access GCash Mobile Application:

    Open your GCash mobile application and log in.

    Access GCash Mobile Application:

    Ensure your GCash account has a balance of at least P160 to cover the NBI Clearance Fees.

    Ensure your GCash account has a balance of at least P160 to cover the NBI Clearance Fees.
    1. Navigate to Bills Section:

    Next, tap the “BILLS” icon located on the GCash dashboard.

    Navigate to Bills Section:
    1. Search and Select NBI:

    In the search box, type “NBI,” and the NBI logo will appear. Select it.

    Search and Select NBI:
    1. Enter Payment Details:

    Enter the amount of P160, your reference number, contact number, and email address. Press the “NEXT” button at the bottom.

    Enter Payment Details:
    1. Select Payment Source:

    In the Payment Source page, choose “GCASH” and then press “next.”

    Select Payment Source:
    1. Confirm Details:

    On the Confirmation Page, double-check your NBI Clearance reference number to ensure its correctness.

    Confirm Details:

    Note: Entering an incorrect Reference Number may pose challenges for obtaining a refund. Exercise caution in this step.

    1. Complete Payment:

    Once you’re certain that your NBI Clearance Reference Number is accurate, press “confirm” to complete the payment.

    1. Receive Payment Confirmation:

    After a successful NBI Clearance Fee payment, you will receive another SMS message on your registered mobile number, confirming that NBI Online Services has received your payment.

    Receive Payment Confirmation

    Congratulations! You’ve successfully settled your NBI Clearance Fee using GCash. Don’t forget to capture a screenshot of the receipt for your reference. The next step awaits you in your NBI Clearance Online journey!

    F. (OPTIONAL STEP) Verify Your Scheduled NBI Online 2024 Appointments and Payment Status

    1. Check Appointment and Payment Status (Optional):

    (Please note that this step is only Optional) For your convenience, revisit the NBI Clearance website and navigate to the Transactions page.

    Check Appointment and Payment Status (Optional):

    Here, you’ll find a detailed record of your booked appointments and their current statuses.

    1. Review NBI Clearance Online Appointment Booking Status:

    In the example, two appointments were booked (NBI Reference Numbers MP6BBBYYY and MP82AAAXXX) on the same day, January 05, 2024, at 12:00:00.

    The MP82AAAXXX appointment has a status of “PAID” with a note stating “[GCASH] Auto Validated on 12/08/2023 10:32:55 AM,” indicating that the GCash payment was successfully received by NBI Online Services.

    As for the other appointment (MP6BBBYYY), it remains unpaid. Remember that you only need one confirmed and paid appointment.

    RELATED READING: Clearance NBI.GOV.COM.PH – How To Apply NBI Clearance

    G. Processing Your NBI Clearance at the NBI Branch

    With all the essential steps completed – from account registration, form filling, appointment scheduling to the payment of NBI Clearance fees – the next and final phase is processing your NBI Clearance at your selected branch. Simply await the appointed date and head to the designated NBI Clearance Branch.

    1. Arrive Promptly for Your Appointment:

    On the day of your appointment, make sure to arrive at the NBI Clearance Branch during your scheduled time slot, either in the morning or afternoon.

    1. Prepare Necessary Documents:

    Bring your valid IDs, your NBI Clearance Reference number, and a screenshot of your NBI Clearance Fee receipt (in our previous example, we used GCash for payment).

    1. Proceed to NBI Clearance Staff Counter:

    Head directly to the NBI Clearance Staff counter and present your NBI Clearance Reference Number and two (2) valid ID.


    The NBI Clearance Staff will retrieve your NBI Online Application and initiate the processing.

    1. Undergo Fingerprinting and Photo Capture:

    Undergo fingerprinting and photo capture, which includes taking your fingerprints and other biometric data such as a photo, all used to verify your identity.

    1. Double-Check Information for Correctness:

    The NBI Clearance Staff will display all the details you’ve entered and allow you to double-check for any errors or incorrect information.

    If you spot any errors, inform the NBI Clearance Staff, and they will make the necessary corrections.

    1. Initial Quality Control Processing:

    Following confirmation of accurate personal information, your application undergoes initial quality control processing.

    The NBI Online Services System checks whether you have a “HIT” or “No Hit” record in their database.

    A “HIT” signifies “Hits: Identification of Two or More Persons Bearing the Same Name.”

    If you have a “HIT,” the NBI Clearance Staff will inform you of the expected release date, which depends on further verification processes.

    In the case of a “HIT,” the NBI will need to conduct further verification to confirm your identity, typically taking 10 to 15 working days. During this period, you may be required to provide additional information or documents to resolve discrepancies.

    If you don’t have a “HIT,” proceed to the RELEASING SECTION of the NBI Clearance, where you can claim your freshly printed NBI Clearance.

    Simply wait for your name to be called, and it will be ready for collection.

    Congratulations! You’ve navigated through the entire NBI Clearance process, and your freshly printed NBI Clearance is almost in your hands. Stay with us for the final steps of claiming your document!


    In conclusion, our aim has been to serve as your steadfast companion on the journey of obtaining your NBI Clearance Online. We understand that the digital realm can sometimes pose challenges, but fear not – our comprehensive guide is crafted to demystify the process. Your success is our success, and we stand ready to address any concerns or questions you may have. It’s crucial to stay informed, and while we’ve endeavored to provide the latest insights, we encourage you to cross-reference against the most recent guidelines. Remember, your engagement is key – drop us a comment, and let’s navigate any remaining uncertainties together. For those who’ve reached this point, congratulations on your achievements thus far! As you approach the final steps, stay accurate and attentive. Verify your appointment and payment status if you wish, and anticipate the thrill of claiming your freshly printed NBI Clearance. We’re here to celebrate your successes and support you through the culmination of your NBI Clearance Online adventure. Go ahead; the finish line is within reach!

    NBI Clearance OnlineNBI Clearance Online 2024

    553 thoughts on “NBI Clearance Online: Your Ultimate Guide to Seamless NBI Clearance Online Application!

    Leave a Reply

    • Glaiza Marie T. Lim says:

      Can I claim my NBI clearance without the reference number? I forgot my email and password on my NBI account so I can’t open it. What should I do? Thank you.

      • Jasen lumahang agana says:

        Verify pls

    • Jamaica rose Q regala says:

      I’m work

    • Marilyn L. Gabot says:

      hello po. change name po kasi anak ko na 4 years old walang unknown sa educational attainment tapos po sa i.d wala pa po psa para sa bagong nem old palang po pwede po b un ipresent? meron po ako brgy certification.pleaae po pa reply. maraming salamat po.

    • Anna Vargas says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I’m a solo parent? Ano ‘yung mga benefits?

    • Aileen says:

      Paano kung sobrang tagal dumating ‘yung email for activation? Help naman!

    • Dela Peña says:

      Grabe, ang dami palang steps pero helpful naman. Salamat, online sherpa!

    • Aida Gomez says:

      ‘Yung friend ko nag-apply last year, ang tagal niyang na-process. Bago na kaya ngayon?

    • Leng Pascual Ibañez says:

      What’s the process if I want to get an NBI Clearance for a family member? Confused pa rin ako!

    • Oyo says:

      Can I use a PhilHealth ID as a valid ID for NBI Clearance? Accepted pa ba ‘to?

    • Miranda says:

      Sana may quiz para sa mga nagbasa nito. Feeling ko magiging top scorer ako!

    • Mendoza says:

      Paano ba malaman kung na-activate na ‘yung NBI Clearance account? Di ko ma-trace e.

    • Marian Aguilar says:

      Pwede bang gamitin ‘yung company ID ng parents? Ano ‘yung requirements?

    • Consuelo Garcia says:

      Bes, paano malalaman kung counted ‘yung holiday sa processing days? Confused!

    • Nica Molina says:

      Ano ‘yung pwedeng gamitin na secondary ID para sa NBI Clearance? Hindi kasi ako may driver’s license.

    • Norberto says:

      Paano ko malalaman kung qualified ‘yung ID ko for NBI Clearance? Ano ‘yung criteria?

    • Caridad Ocampo says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I’m an OFW? Ano ‘yung mga specific requirements?

    • Simeon says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I lost my TIN ID? Ano ‘yung mga alternative documents?

    • Ramos says:

      Paano ko malalaman kung paano magrenew ng NBI Clearance? Ano ‘yung mga steps?

    • Marc Pascual says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online for travel abroad? Ano ‘yung mga requirements?

    • Jess Quijano says:

      Ano ‘yung mga common reasons bakit nagkakaroon ng delay sa NBI Clearance release? Worried ako baka ma-late sa appointment ko.

    • Patricia Quijano says:

      Bes, pwede bang multiple applications sa isang account? Para prepared!

    • Eusebio Miranda says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Paano ba mag-apply ng clearance kung hindi alam ang computer? Confused ako!

    • Santos Sison says:

      Kapag nawala ‘yung Confirmation Email, paano i-retrieve? Nakakaloka!

    • Gomez says:

      Paano ko malalaman ‘yung tamang spelling ng pangalan sa NBI Clearance? Baka may typo!

    • Consuelo Garcia says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung di ko alam ‘yung current status ng NBI ko? Paano mag-check?

    • Dingdong Martinez says:

      How can I update my contact number in my NBI account? Di ko alam kung paano!

    • Ella Tolentino says:

      Bes, paano kung laging “Site Unreachable” ang lumalabas sa website? Tips naman diyan!

    • Julio Agoncillo says:

      Kapag may error sa payment, paano ‘yung refund? Confused ako dito.

    • Eya Austria says:

      Kung magre-reschedule, paano ‘yung bayad sa una? Balik ba ‘yun?

    • Clemente says:

      Nalilito ako sa step B, paano ko malalaman kung confirmed na ang appointment ko?

    • Kimkim Santillan says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung self-employed? Ano ‘yung mga documents na kailangan?

    • Sam Castillo says:

      Paano kung nagkaproblema sa payment? Ano ang gagawin ko?

    • Rodolfo Gutierrez says:

      Pwede bang gamitin ‘yung Philhealth ID? Effective ba ‘to?

    • Virginia Rodriguez says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung OFW? Ano ‘yung mga additional requirements?

    • Quirino Hernandez says:

      Paano kung ma-late ng ilang minutes sa appointment? Sayang ba ‘yun?

    • Cheche Manalo says:

      Pwede bang gamitin ang marriage certificate as a valid ID for NBI Clearance? Ano ‘yung other options?

    • Jason Vargas says:

      Pwede bang bayaran ‘yung NBI Clearance fee sa bank? May iba bang payment options?

    • Aiza Gomez says:

      Bes, paano ‘pag hindi mo alam ‘yung ID number ng selected ID? Ano gawin?

    • Rosita Vargas says:

      ‘Yung expiration ng OTP, seryoso ba? Kailangan bang mabilisang mag-click dito?

    • Rayver says:

      Parang hassle naman ng fingerprinting. Safe ba ‘to?

    • Enrique Ramos Yap says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit walang smartphone? Ano ‘yung options?

    • Chona Valdez says:

      What’s the purpose of the reference number in NBI Clearance Online? Hindi ko gets!

    • Abelardo Ramos Jimenez says:

      Ano ‘yung mga common mistakes na dapat iwasan sa NBI Clearance application? Baka magkaproblema ako!

    • Santos says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online for a foreigner? May special requirements ba?

    • Gerald Yap Bagtas says:

      Ano ‘yung mga kailangang documents para sa NBI Clearance renewal? Di ko sure kung kumpleto ako.

    • Cesar Quiambao says:

      How can I update my email address in my NBI Clearance account? Di ko mahanap ‘yung option!

    • Gilberto says:

      What’s the difference between NBI Clearance and Barangay Clearance? Di ko masyadong ma-gets ‘yung distinction!

    • Luz Javier says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Paano kung may hit sa records ko? Any advice?

    • Nestor Enriquez says:

      How can I retrieve my forgotten NBI Clearance password? Di ko ma-recall ‘yung ginamit ko!

    • Flor Santos says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I lost my transaction reference number? Di ko alam kung paano!

    • Tete Santos says:

      Kapag senior citizen, pwede bang mag-apply online? Any special treatment?

    • Jong Javier says:

      Pwede bang NSO Birth Certificate gamitin as primary ID sa NBI Clearance? Tanggap pa ba ‘to?

    • Luis Calderon says:

      Bes, paano malalaman kung successful ‘yung appointment rescheduling? Nakakakaba!

    • Anton Santos says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online for a minor? Ano ‘yung requirements?

    • Ricky Gutierrez says:

      Bes, paano kung walang email? Hindi kasi techie ‘yung mom ko.

    • Clarita Mercado Santos says:

      Paano malalaman kung successful ang payment ko using GCash? Ano dapat kong gawin?

    • Dangdang Magno Francisco says:

      Kapag nagbago ‘yung appointment, paano ‘yung existing payment? Balik bayad ba?

    • Dizon says:

      Kapag nagkaproblema sa biometrics, anong alternative? Worried na ako!

    • Editha Esguerra says:

      Bes, paano kung di ko ma-download ‘yung PDF ng NBI Clearance? Panic mode!

    • Gigi Barretto says:

      Ang daming fees! Bakit may system fee pa? Confusing!

    • Estela Pascual Uy says:

      Astig! Kakaiba ‘yung online sherpa term, pero gets ko ang point. Salamat!

    • Marian Mendoza says:

      How do I change the email address in my NBI Clearance account? Hindi ko ma-edit!

    • Faye says:

      Pwede bang gamitin ‘yung old NBI Clearance sa bagong application? Tanggap pa ba ‘to?

    • Carlos says:

      Paano ko gagamitin ang NBI Clearance for local employment? May specific steps ba?

    • Wowie Jimenez says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit may na-miss na step? Ma-reretrace pa ba ‘yun?

    • Legaspi says:

      Kapag walang printer, pwede ba i-email ‘yung clearance sa sarili mo?

    • Andres Ubaldo says:

      Shoutout sa mga solo parents diyan! Ano ‘yung Solo Parent ID, valid ba ‘yun?

    • Cecil Pangilinan says:

      Bes, paano ‘pag nagkaproblema sa fingerprinting? May ibang option ba?

    • Love Garcia says:

      Paano malalaman kung need ko ng additional documents sa NBI Clearance application? Help me decide!

    • Virginia Zamora says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung may record ako? Ano ‘yung mga hakbang?

    • Eliseo Valdez says:

      What’s the process for NBI Clearance for visa application? Ano ‘yung mga requirements?

    • Bong Del Rosario Esguerra says:

      Pwede bang student ID gamitin sa NBI Clearance application? Tanggap pa ba ‘to?

    • Jay-R Hernandez says:

      Ano ‘yung mga hakbang pagkatapos i-confirm ‘yung appointment sa NBI Clearance? Ano ‘yung susunod?

    • Bernardino Ramos says:

      Paano malalaman kung approved ‘yung ID na ginamit mo? Ano ‘yung next step?

    • Faye Natividad says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit walang voter’s ID? Alternative ba?

    • Emilio Ibañez says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Paano kung may “Invalid Date of Birth” error? Ano dapat gawin?

    • Aljur Gomez says:

      Paano ko gagamitin ang NBI Clearance for travel abroad? May steps ba ‘to?

    • Keanu says:

      How long does it take to process an NBI Clearance at the branch? Matagal ba ‘to?

    • Maria Clara Ocampo says:

      Ano ‘yung requirements for NBI Clearance if I’m applying for a government position? Confused ako, guys!

    • Zamora says:

      Can I use a police clearance as a valid ID for NBI Clearance? Accepted pa ba ‘to?

    • Bing Santos says:

      ‘Yung step 3 parang napakabigat sa bulsa, paano kung walang budget?

    • Jas Natividad Lacson says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung may dual citizenship? Ano ‘yung mga requirements?

    • Jess says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung walang TIN? May ibang IDs ba na pwedeng substitute?

    • Francisco says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I’m a student? Ano ‘yung mga student-friendly requirements?

    • Isidro Sison says:

      Bes, paano kung may sabit ka sa past na kaso? I-sshare ba ‘to sa clearance?

    • Ignacio Mendoza says:

      Kapag late na ‘yung confirmation email, paano ‘yung appointment? Apektado ba?

    • Peachy Tolentino says:

      Kung wala kang valid ID, pwede ba ‘yung police clearance na lang?

    • Andres Gomez Paredes says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I’m a solo parent? Ano ‘yung mga specific requirements?

    • Clara says:

      Pwede bang gamitin ang TIN ID for NBI Clearance application? Accepted pa ba ‘to?

    • Gigi Luna says:

      Bes, paano kung wala kang valid ID na listed? Desperate mode na ako!

    • Cortez says:

      Ano ang proseso pag magkaiba ‘yung middle name sa NSO at sa valid ID ko? Confusing ‘to, guys!

    • Teodorico Hernandez Ocampo says:

      Bes, paano kung expired ‘yung passport ko? Ano ‘yung alternative ID na pwedeng gamitin?

    • Cristina Jimenez says:

      Pwede bang gamitin ang old NBI Clearance as a valid ID for a new application? Accepted pa ba ‘to?

    • Lhei Gonzales Yambao says:

      Pwede bang mag-apply kahit walang appointment? Feeling ko may shortcut eh!

    • Dangdang says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Pwede bang magdala ng chika habang nag-aapply? Haha!

    • Helen Magno says:

      Ano ‘yung mga documents na kailangan kung mag-aapply ako for travel abroad? Gusto ko makuha agad ‘to!

    • Rosa Gutierrez Mariano says:

      What’s the purpose ng captcha sa NBI Clearance Online registration? May function ba ‘to?

    • Femi Bautista says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung may kapangalan ako? Ano ‘yung mga additional requirements?

    • Mariano says:

      Ang saya ng article na ‘to, feeling ko expert na ako sa NBI Clearance Online!

    • Norberto Campos Ricafort says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Pwede bang maging taga-refer ng friends? Haha!

    • Aljur Quijano says:

      Kapag nag-“System Upgrade,” paano ‘yung mga pending applications? Affected ba?

    • Dindo Rodriguez says:

      Paano ko malalaman kung may “hit” ang pangalan ko? Any insights, bes?

    • Tess Francisco says:

      How do I change the mobile number in my NBI Clearance account? Hindi ko ma-update!

    • Rodolfo Lim says:

      Pwede bang magpa-resched ng appointment? May emergency eh!

    • Zamora says:

      May bayad ba ‘yung QR code? Hindi ko alam kung paano mag-scan eh.

    • Mercedes Cruz says:

      Pwede bang magdala ng expired passport as valid ID sa NBI Clearance? Tanggap pa ba ‘to?

    • Bebot says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Paano kung gusto ko mauna sa appointment date? May way ba?

    • Clemente Garcia says:

      Grabe, daming steps! Sana may shortcut, haha!

    • Zosima Villanueva says:

      Paano palitan ‘yung mobile number sa NBI Clearance account? Hindi ko mahanap ‘yung option!

    • Lorie says:

      Pano gagamitin ‘yung NBI Clearance for local employment? Ano ‘yung mga steps?

    • Grace Carlos says:

      Pwede bang mag-apply kahit walang appointment sa NBI Clearance center? Feeling ko hassle mag-schedule!

    • Cristy Campos says:

      Bes, may bayad pa ba ‘to kahit naka-schedule na?

    • Balagtas says:

      How can I recover my account if I forgot my password? Parang alaws na ako dito!

    • Vicente says:

      Ano ‘yung purpose ng appointment code sa NBI Clearance? Di ko alam kung saan gamitin!

    • Raymundo Ubaldo says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I changed my address? Ano ‘yung mga steps?

    • EJ Pascual says:

      Pwede bang itago ‘yung NBI Clearance sa wallet or kailangan laging dala?

    • Vince Natividad says:

      Can I get an NBI Clearance even if I’m a minor? Paano ‘yung process?

    • Marky says:

      Pwede bang mag-apply kahit walang appointment code? Feeling ko mas convenient ‘pag walk-in eh!

    • Wilfredo Iglesias says:

      Ano ‘yung “Hits: Identification of Two or More Persons Bearing the Same Name”? Nakakatakot naman ‘to!

    • Estrella Ramos says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit baguhan sa digital world? Kinakabahan ako!

    • Sid Santiago Nunez says:

      Alam mo ba kung anong oras bukas ang NBI Clearance branch? Hindi ko mahanap online eh.

    • Divina Santos says:

      Pwede bang gamitin ang voter’s ID for NBI Clearance application? Valid pa ba ‘to?

    • Quincy Agoncillo Uy says:

      Paano kung may discrepancy sa middle name sa valid ID at application form? Help!

    • Concepcion Mendoza says:

      Bes, paano kung may double payment? May refund ba ‘to or saklap na ‘to?

    • Fernando says:

      Paano malalaman kung confirmed na ‘yung appointment ko? Di ko sure kung natanggap ‘yung bayad!

    • Antonino Aquino says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Ano ‘yung secret ng mabilisang appointment? Share naman!

    • Nash Aguilar Barretto says:

      Bes, paano malalaman kung qualified ka for the “Senior Citizen” discount? Lakihan mo naman!

    • Tonton says:

      Bes, paano kung nawalan ako ng load habang nasa gitna ng application? Help!

    • Paolo Domingo says:

      Pwede bang multiple appointments? Para sigurado lang!

    • Marilyn says:

      Nalito ako sa step 3, pwede bang magbigay ng konting clarification? Tagalized version, please!

    • Martin Espino says:

      Kapag walang email, pwede bang gamitin ‘yung email ng friend ko? Share naman!

    • Xander says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Paano kung nawala ‘yung online session sa kalahati ng process? Ano ‘yung gagawin?

    • Zamora says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit walang TIN ID? Ano alternative?

    • Edu Kapunan says:

      Pwede bang bayaran ang NBI Clearance fee online? Para iwas pila sa center.

    • Elena Lacson says:

      Paano kung wala kang valid ID na nasa list? Desperate mode na ako!

    • Cecilia says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I’m a foreigner working in the Philippines? Ano ‘yung mga steps?

    • Pascual says:

      Pwede bang mag-apply kahit walang online appointment sa NBI Clearance center? Baka pwede walk-in na lang.

    • Bambi Hernandez says:

      Kapag wala pang appointment, pwede bang mag-apply agad? Excited lang!

    • Ricardo Quevedo says:

      Pwede bang gamitin ‘yung PhilHealth ID for NBI Clearance? Accepted pa ba ‘to?

    • Anita says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung nagbago ‘yung address? Ano ‘yung mga hakbang?

    • Nash Vargas says:

      How can I change my appointment schedule if something urgent came up? Ano ‘yung steps?

    • Aida Villanueva says:

      Bes, paano kung mali ‘yung nailagay sa form? Wala bang undo button?

    • Jheng Yambao says:

      Bes, paano kung expired ‘yung ID gamit mo? Pwede bang ipa-renew agad?

    • Kian Lacson says:

      Kapag walang access sa GCash, ano ‘yung Plan B? Help naman!

    • Mai-mai Lopez says:

      What’s the purpose of the appointment reference number sa NBI Clearance? May function ba ‘to?

    • Edna Francisco says:

      Paano ako makakasiguro na secure ‘yung personal info ko sa NBI Clearance? Ano ‘yung privacy measures?

    • Marcelo Yap Tañada says:

      Bes, paano malalaman kung na-approve ‘yung ID na ginamit mo? Excited na ‘ko!

    • Porfirio Nunez says:

      Bes, paano malalaman ‘yung result ng background check? Excited na ako!

    • Divina Hernandez says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I have a change of gender? May special requirements ba?

    • Valdez says:

      How can I inquire about the NBI Clearance fees for 2024? Di ko mahanap ‘yung breakdown!

    • Michael Vargas says:

      Sana may tutorial na video para mas clear. Hirap intindihin minsan ‘pag text lang.

    • Riza Luna says:

      Bes, paano kung gusto ko i-edit ‘yung appointment date? Pwede ba ‘yun?

    • Paterno Velasco says:

      Pwedeng ba mag-apply kahit walang appointment sa NBI Clearance center? Parang hassle mag-schedule!

    • Ramon Pangilinan says:

      Ano ‘yung process kung magkaiba ‘yung address sa valid ID at application form? Pahelp naman!

    • Gerald Paredes says:

      Pwede bang magdala ng NSO Birth Certificate as a primary ID for NBI Clearance? Accepted pa ba ‘to?

    • Francis says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Pwede bang maging NBI Clearance ambassador? Haha!

    • Raffy Zamora Ramos says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit may ginagamit kang VPN? Affect ba ‘yung process?

    • Coco Paredes says:

      How long does it take for the “hit” status to be cleared? Matagal ba ‘to?

    • Juan Castillo says:

      Pwede bang kumuha ng NBI Clearance Online for a relative? Ano ‘yung process?

    • Nica Ramos says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit nawala ‘yung reference number? Possible ba i-retrieve?

    • Ibanez says:

      Pwede bang sabay-sabay ang fingerprinting ng buong pamilya? Para tipid!

    • Ria says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Paano kung gusto mo i-cancel ‘yung appointment? Possible ba ‘yun?

    • Marian Tolentino Dela Peña says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I’m a fresh graduate? Ano ‘yung mga requirements?

    • Bambi says:

      Pwede bang half-day lang ang appointment? Busy kasi sa work eh.

    • Arnold Santos says:

      Ano ‘yung mga dapat gawin kung nawala ‘yung NBI Clearance reference number? Paano macheck ang status?

    • Ubaldo says:

      Paano kumuha ng NBI Clearance Online kung walang permanenteng address? May ibang paraan ba?

    • Hipolito Perez Aguilar says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit wala kang email? Pwede bang gamitin ‘yung sa friend mo?

    • Joseph Lopez says:

      What’s the difference between a valid ID and a primary ID for NBI Clearance Online? Confused ako, guys!

    • Lopez says:

      Nakakaloka, kailangan ba talaga magbayad agad para maging confirmed ang appointment?

    • Anacleto Montes says:

      Ano ‘yung mga pwedeng gawin kung hindi ako makapunta sa scheduled appointment for NBI Clearance? May reschedule ba?

    • Uy says:

      What’s the difference between a hit and no hit in NBI Clearance processing? Confused ako!

    • Dela Peña says:

      Ang dami palang valid IDs na pwede gamitin! Anong pinaka-okay na gamitin dito?

    • Nenita Santos says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung unemployed? Ano ‘yung mga alternative documents na pwedeng ipresent?

    • Paolo Hernandez says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit may alias? I-sshare ba ‘yun sa clearance?

    • Love Gonzales says:

      Bes, paano kung nawala ‘yung reference number ng payment? Panic na ako!

    • Shiela says:

      Can I get an NBI Clearance even if I have an existing criminal case? Ano ‘yung process?

    • Iglesias says:

      Paano ba malalaman kung success ang NBI Clearance Online application ko? Iniisip ko baka may mali ako sa process.

    • Apple says:

      Paano malalaman ‘yung available na appointment slots sa NBI Clearance? Di ko mahanap!

    • Basilio says:

      Bes, pwede bang isabay ‘yung clearance processing sa appointment date? Para tipid!

    • James says:

      How can I check the validity of my NBI Clearance? Di ko sure kung updated pa ‘to!

    • Dong says:

      Paano ko gagamitin ‘yung NBI Clearance for local employment? Ano ‘yung mga specific steps?

    • Rodriguez says:

      What’s the difference between the NBI Clearance and Barangay Clearance? Di ko ma-distinguish!

    • Jay-R Tolentino says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung walang middle name? Pwedeng ba ‘yon?

    • Joseph says:

      Bes, kahit ba expired ‘yung passport, pwede pa rin gamitin as ID?

    • Rodrigo Castillo says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit may kapangalan? Medyo kinakabahan ako.

    • Leng Ramos says:

      Paano ko gagamitin ang NBI Clearance for employment purposes? May special requirements ba?

    • Elena Garcia says:

      Can I use a company ID for NBI Clearance Online application? May idea ba kayo?

    • Cecilia Ricafort Santillan says:

      Pwede bang magdala ng secondary ID na walang picture for NBI Clearance? Confused ako, guys!

    • Francisco Bautista says:

      Ano kaya ‘yung “Auto Validated” sa status ng payment? Any idea?

    • Paolo Hernandez says:

      How can I correct a typo in my application form? Hindi ko mahanap ‘yung edit button!

    • Quiambao says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit hindi marunong mag-computer? Kayang-kaya ba?

    • Chona Quezon says:

      Pwede bang ipa-rush ‘yung processing? May urgent matter kasi ako.

    • Melai Ramos Gutierrez says:

      Hello sa lahat! May tips ba kayo para maging mabilis ang application process?

    • Zenaida Kapunan Ibañez says:

      Paano ko malalaman kung valid ‘yung NBI Clearance reference number ko? Di ko sure!

    • Marge says:

      Bes, paano kung gusto ko i-update ‘yung contact number ko? Ano ‘yung steps?

    • Salome Calderon says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online for government employees? May mga special steps ba?

    • Melai Gomez Valdez says:

      Bes, may age limit ba sa senior citizen ID? Feeling ko pwede pa ako mag-apply!

    • Bret Quiambao says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung may pending case? Ano ‘yung mga kailangan na dokumento?

    • Dingdong says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I have a pending case? Ano ‘yung next steps?

    • Diether Del Rosario says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online for a seaman? Ano ‘yung mga specific requirements?

    • Anacleto Lim Salazar says:

      Bes, pwede bang walang appointment? Walk-in lang ganun?

    • Jojo Agoncillo Javier says:

      Kapag nagka-error sa payment, pwede bang mabalik ang pera? Scary ‘to!

    • Hayden Wong Mendoza says:

      Paano malalaman kung counted ang holiday sa processing days? Alam mo ba ‘to?

    • Imelda Balagtas says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Paano kung may incorrect gender na nailagay sa application? Kaloka ‘to!

    • Francis Barretto Yap says:

      Kapag di natanggap ‘yung application, pwede ba ulit mag-apply agad?

    • Rosario Fuentes says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit nasa probinsya? Possible ba ‘yun?

    • Cecil Uy Dela Peña says:

      Paano kung di makapunta sa scheduled appointment? Balik bayad ba ‘yun?

    • Leopoldo Hidalgo says:

      How can I add a representative for my NBI Clearance application? Ano ‘yung steps?

    • Mercedes says:

      Kapag walang email, pwede bang gamitin ‘yung email ng friend? Share naman!

    • Anna Torres says:

      Gaano katagal bago marelease ‘yung NBI Clearance after processing? Di ko sure sa timeline!

    • Sam Esguerra says:

      Paano malalaman ‘yung release date ng clearance? Excited na ‘ko!

    • Inday Hernandez says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit may pending case? I-sshare ba ‘yun sa NBI?

    • Carlos says:

      Ano ang inyong masasabi tungkol sa NSO Birth Certificate? Effective ba ‘to na valid ID?

    • Oyo says:

      Is it possible to change the NBI branch after scheduling an appointment? Confused ako!

    • Marge Iglesias says:

      Bes, paano malalaman kung nablock ‘yung email ng NBI? Hindi ko makita.

    • Diane says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online for a seaman? Ano ‘yung mga specific requirements?

    • Amparo Cabrera says:

      Ano ‘yung mga steps kung may discrepancy sa surname sa valid ID at application form? Help a friend out!

    • Patrick Perez says:

      Paano malalaman ‘yung result ng background check? Excited na ako!

    • Lynlyn Ramos Ibañez says:

      Bes, hindi ko na-gets ‘yung confirmation email. Ano bang dapat kong gawin?

    • Edelmira Zamora says:

      Ano ‘yung difference ng NBI Clearance at Police Clearance? Confused ako!

    • Tete Banuelos says:

      Can I use a barangay clearance as a valid ID for NBI Clearance? Accepted pa ba ‘to?

    • Eva says:

      Bes, paano ‘pag nagkaproblema sa QR code? Sayang ‘yung effort!

    • Nikko Hernandez says:

      Hello mga online experts! Ano ang gamit n’yo na valid ID? Share naman diyan!

    • Sam Ramos says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung menor de edad? Ano ‘yung mga specific na requirements?

    • Clemente says:

      Pwede bang mag-apply ng NBI Clearance for pets? Charot lang!

    • Sam Milby Ubaldo says:

      Paano ko malalaman ‘yung expiration date ng NBI Clearance? Hanggang kailan valid?

    • Ramos says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung hindi pa 18 years old? Ano ‘yung mga requirements?

    • Jeremias Hernandez says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung foreigner working sa Pilipinas? Ano ‘yung mga hakbang?

    • Leng says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Paano kung may duda ka sa validity ng ID mo? Sumbong ba agad?

    • Gerald Yap says:

      Ano ‘yung mga possible reasons kung bakit na-reject ‘yung NBI Clearance application? Iniwasan ko sana ‘to!

    • Rodrigo Santos Bautista says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung may hit ako sa record ko? Ano ‘yung mga next steps?

    • Wong says:

      Can I use a voter’s ID for NBI Clearance if it’s not yet laminated? Accepted pa ba ‘to?

    • Rosa Ortega says:

      ‘Yung process sa pagbayad, medyo mabilis lang ba siya? Excited na ‘ko!

    • Alejandra says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Ano ‘yung process kapag may HIT? Scary ‘to!

    • Anacleto Vargas says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit may kapangalan? Paano maiiwasan ‘yung confusion?

    • Cesar Magno says:

      Paano malalaman ‘yung requirements kung estudyante at kailangan ng NBI Clearance? Di ko alam!

    • Luz says:

      Hello, mga expert dyan! May suggestion ba kayo kung alin ang pinakamabilis na payment option?

    • Marilyn says:

      Bes, pwede bang magdala ng snacks habang nag-aapply? Haha!

    • Paredes says:

      Ano ‘yung kasunod pagkatapos ng fingerprinting and photo capture sa NBI Clearance processing? Medyo nalilito ako, guys!

    • Faye Nakpil says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I lost my reference number? Panic mode na ako, guys!

    • Gemma Austria Agoncillo says:

      What’s the difference between the NBI Clearance and police clearance? Confused ako, guys!

    • Erlinda Molina says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I lost my email confirmation? Ano ‘yung gagawin ko?

    • Paulo Barretto Enriquez says:

      How to retrieve forgotten NBI Clearance password? Di ko maalala ‘yung ginamit ko!

    • Warlito Joaquin says:

      Bes, paano malalaman kung confirmed na ang appointment? Walang confirmation email eh.

    • Arturo Ibañez says:

      Ano ‘yung confirmation message sa payment? Hindi ko ma-gets, eh.

    • Edna says:

      Ano ‘yung mga reasons for NBI Clearance rejection? Para maiwasan ko ‘to!

    • Rafael Quiambao says:

      Paano malalaman ‘yung expiration date ng NBI Clearance? Hanggang kailan valid?

    • Evelyn Magno Nakpil says:

      Paano ko malalaman kung pwede na i-claim ‘yung NBI Clearance ko? Ano ‘yung mga status na dapat i-check?

    • Chai says:

      Bes, ano ‘yung recommended na time mag-apply? May peak hours ba?

    • Zosima Austria says:

      Ano ‘yung kasunod pagkatapos i-confirm ‘yung appointment sa NBI Clearance? Ano ‘yung next steps?

    • Eliseo Austria says:

      Paano ko malalaman kung available na ang NBI Clearance for claiming? Ano ‘yung mga status na dapat i-check?

    • Rolando Ocampo Ocampo says:

      How to inquire about NBI Clearance fees for 2024? Sana updated ‘yung rates.

    • Luis Dizon Santos says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I don’t have a middle name? Ano ‘yung alternative?

    • Austria says:

      Sana may hotline na pwedeng itawag kapag nagkaproblema sa application.

    • Norberto Flores Pangilinan says:

      Ano ang mga special discounts for senior citizens sa NBI Clearance? Pa-explain naman!

    • Annie Santos says:

      Saan makikita ‘yung list ng valid IDs na pwedeng gamitin? Help a friend out, please!

    • Eustaquio Montes says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Paano kung mawalan ng internet connection sa gitna ng application? Kaloka!

    • Nicanor Mendoza says:

      May age limit ba sa student ID? Feeling ko hindi ako matatanggap. Haha!

    • Goma Velasco says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I’m a senior citizen? Ano ‘yung mga specific requirements?

    • Kian Domingo says:

      Paano ko malalaman ‘yung specific requirements kung mag-aapply ako for government position? Di ko sure kung same lang sa private.

    • Gener Joaquin says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit may overdue unpaid balance sa previous clearance? Panic mode!

    • Yul says:

      What’s the fastest way to settle an “invalid” appointment issue? Di ko alam kung paano!

    • Esguerra says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Pwede bang magpa-pic ‘pag nasa branch na? Haha!

    • Roberto Ocampo says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung OFW? May mga additional requirements ba?

    • Jason Tolentino says:

      Pwede bang virtual hug sa mga naguguluhan? Haha!

    • Nenita Panganiban says:

      Bes, may age limit ba ang NSO Birth Certificate? Feeling ko expired na ‘to!

    • Michael Yap says:

      Saan ako makakita ng breakdown ng fees sa NBI Clearance? Di ko makita sa site!

    • Dingdong Ramos says:

      How do I correct the wrong information on my NBI Clearance after processing? Help a friend out!

    • Ricardo Reyes Uy says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I’m a minor? Ano ‘yung mga specific requirements?

    • Riri says:

      How much ‘yung total na babayaran? Confused ako sa breakdown.

    • Jong Santillan Salazar says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Paano kung may error sa middle name? Pwede bang irevise ‘yan?

    • Rayver says:

      Kapag nag-reapply, paano ‘yung existing payment? Magiging refundable ba ‘yun?

    • Francis says:

      Pwede ba ‘yung digital na voter’s ID? May nakatry na ba dito?

    • Eustaquio says:

      Bes, paano malalaman kung updated ‘yung guidelines? May latest ba?

    • Aurora says:

      May mga naka-try na bang gamitin ang passport as ID? Effective ba siya?

    • Tom Mariano says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit nasa ibang bansa? May special steps ba?

    • Elena Aguilar says:

      Paano gagamitin ‘yung NBI Clearance for travel abroad? Ano ‘yung mga requirements?

    • Chona Molina says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Ano ‘yung requirements para sa Seaman’s Book? May alam ba dito?

    • Rita Enriquez says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit hindi marunong mag-English? Pwedeng ba ‘yun?

    • Chito Mariano says:

      Can I use a birth certificate as a valid ID? Kasi wala akong ibang IDs, guys!

    • Tintin Javier says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Ano ‘yung “System Fee”? May sense ba ‘yung additional na bayad?

    • Edelmira says:

      Bes, paano kung expired na ‘yung ID ko? Pwede bang photocopy muna?

    • Natividad says:

      Pwedeng ba ‘yung company ID gamitin kahit walang logo? Tagalized version nga!

    • Val Tolentino says:

      Ano ang mga documents na kailangan dalhin sa NBI branch for processing? Di ko alam, guys!

    • Bambi says:

      Pwede bang mag-apply kahit walang ID? Feeling ko mas mabilis ‘pag walk-in eh!

    • Ricardo Ocampo says:

      Paano ko ma-access ‘yung Transactions page para i-check ‘yung status ng appointment ko? Di ko mahanap!

    • Raffy Villanueva Panganiban says:

      Sana may emoji na pwedeng gamitin sa comments para mas masaya!

    • Bernardo Perez says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit OFW? May special steps ba?

    • Angela Estrada says:

      ‘Yung friend ko, nag-apply siya dati pero ang tagal ng process. May mabilis na bang way ngayon?

    • Claudio Mariano says:

      Grabe, nakakabigla ang HIT! Bakit may ganun?!

    • Arnold Del Rosario Quevedo says:

      Kapag “Payment Failed” sa credit card, paano ‘yung next steps? Help!

    • Benjamin Kapunan Santos says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Paano kung gusto ko i-change ‘yung preferred branch? May way ba?

    • My-my Mendoza says:

      Can I use a student ID for NBI Clearance application? Accepted pa ba ‘to?

    • Nicanor Velasquez says:

      Hi guys! How can I track the status of my NBI Clearance Online application? Nakakaexcite!

    • Cristy says:

      Hello, mga ka-NBI! Kaya ba ‘to in one day lang? Excited na ‘ko!

    • Wency Zamora says:

      Bes, pwede bang isabay ‘yung fingerprinting ng buong pamilya? Para tipid!

    • Jay-R says:

      Paano ko malalaman kung may problema sa NBI Clearance payment ko? Medyo nagdududa ako sa transaction.

    • Quevedo says:

      Kapag may kaparehas ka ng pangalan, paano malalaman kung ikaw ‘yun? Nakakatakot naman ‘to!

    • Estela Bautista says:

      Bes, paano ‘pag nawala ‘yung appointment code? Panic mode na ako!

    • Paredes says:

      Pano ko ba i-che-check kung activated na ‘yung account ko sa NBI Clearance? Di ko makita ‘yung confirmation e.

    • Alex Quezon says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Pwedeng bang dala na lang ‘yung reference number sa appointment? Hassle kasi.

    • Gener Montes says:

      Ano ‘yung ibig sabihin ng “Auto Validated” sa GCash payment? Ok lang ba ‘yon?

    • Zoren says:

      Paano kung hindi mo alam ‘yung ID number ng selected ID? Ano gawin?

    • Jingjing Yap says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung senior citizen? Ano ‘yung mga specific requirements?

    • Jheng Iglesias says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online for a foreigner residing in the Philippines? Ano ‘yung mga steps?

    • Tess Panganiban Manalo says:

      Bes, paano kung nag-move ‘yung appointment, panong process?

    • Bebot Diaz says:

      Paano malalaman kung accepted ‘yung payment? Wala akong natanggap na confirmation.

    • Cortez says:

      Bes, paano kung may problema sa appointment date? Pwede bang i-reschedule?

    • Evelyn Natividad says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung di pa ako nagtatrabaho? Ano ‘yung mga proof of identity na pwede?

    • Ma. Theresa Villanueva says:

      Bes, kailangan ba ng supporting documents kung solo parent? Ano mga ‘yun?

    • Edgar Natividad says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung solo parent? Ano ‘yung mga specific requirements?

    • Froilan Dela Peña says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung may hit sa record? Ano ‘yung mga next steps?

    • Vargas says:

      Paano ko malalaman kung validated ‘yung GCash payment ko? Di ko makita sa app!

    • Ding Ramos says:

      How can I cancel my appointment if something urgent came up? Need help, please!

    • Aiza Lopez says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit may disability? May special assistance ba?

    • Estrada says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I changed my name? Ano ‘yung mga steps?

    • Dhang-dhang Velasquez says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit walang TIN ID? Pwedeng ba ‘yun?

    • Clemente Mendoza Domingo says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kung OFW? Ano ‘yung specific requirements?

    • Baron Flores says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online pag hindi marunong mag-computer? Struggle ‘to!

    • Marcos Hernandez says:

      Bes, pwede bang surprise drug test ‘to? Haha!

    • Rayver Paredes Ramos says:

      How do I make sure my NBI Clearance payment is legit? Baka ma-scam ako!

    • Dingdong Aquino says:

      How long does it take to receive the activation email after registration? Tagal na wala eh!

    • Macky says:

      Ano ‘yung purpose ng pag-fill out ng applicant information form sa NBI Clearance? Confused ako!

    • Roderick Salazar Paredes says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung wala akong printer? Saan ako kukuha ng printed form?

    • Rosario Pangilinan says:

      Paano ko gagamitin ‘yung NBI Clearance for travel abroad? Ano ‘yung mga requirements?

    • Jake says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit walang ID? Pwede bang affidavit na lang?

    • Campos says:

      Bes, paano kung mag-apply ako, tapos biglang nagka-system down? Paano na ‘yun?

    • Hiro Quijano Mendoza says:

      Ano ‘yung process kung may discrepancy sa address sa valid ID at application form? Help me out!

    • Renz Molina says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Paano kung gusto ko i-verify ‘yung status ng application ko? Any tips?

    • Gabriel says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI Clearance! Pwede bang gawing theme song ‘to habang nag-aapply?

    • Dhang-dhang Molina Vargas says:

      Bes, paano kung nawala ‘yung screenshot ng payment receipt? Paano i-retrieve?

    • Bong Austria says:

      Bes, paano ‘pag nagsara ‘yung website habang nag-aapply? Ano next?

    • Ningning Espino says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Ano ‘yung secret para mabilisang verification ng ID? Share naman!

    • Bautista says:

      What to do if I missed my scheduled appointment? Di ako sure sa next steps!

    • Ricky Lopez Ramos says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit walang email? May ibang paraan ba ng communication?

    • Anna Guzman says:

      Kapag walang GCash, paano magbayad? Ano alternatives?

    • Jaja Ramos says:

      Paano ko malalaman kung available pa ‘yung appointment slots for NBI Clearance? Di ko mahanap!

    • Nino Javier says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I have a criminal record? Ano ‘yung mga steps?

    • Edgar says:

      How can I change my personal information in the NBI Clearance application? Need ko ng help!

    • Luz Zamora Zamora says:

      Ano nga bang silbi ng reference number sa NBI Clearance Online? Di ko masyadong na-gets ‘yung part na ‘yun.

    • Jun Salazar says:

      Paano ko i-correct ‘yung maling information sa NBI Clearance ko after processing? Tulong naman diyan!

    • Hayden Miranda says:

      Ano ‘yung mga valid IDs na puwedeng gamitin para sa NBI Clearance application? Kasi wala akong passport e.

    • Yael Tolentino says:

      Ang haba ng pila sa branch, may VIP pass ba ‘to? Charot lang!

    • EJ Luna says:

      How to appeal NBI Clearance rejection? May chance pa ba ko kung na-deny?

    • Caridad Lacson says:

      Bes, paano kung wrong spelling ‘yung nailagay sa application? Editable ba?

    • Alex Martinez says:

      Paano kung may kaparehas ka ng pangalan, paano malalaman kung ikaw ‘yun?

    • Gerald Aquino says:

      What’s the procedure if I want to reschedule my appointment? May steps ba ‘to?

    • Bernardino Mercado Manalo says:

      Paano ko malalaman ‘yung requirements kung OFW ako at kailangan ko ng NBI Clearance? Di ko alam!

    • Eduardo Domingo says:

      Ano ang mga requirements kung gusto ko magpa-rush ng NBI Clearance? Ano ‘yung fee?

    • Gloria Mariano Vargas says:

      Ano ‘yung ibig sabihin ng “HIT” sa NBI Clearance? May impact ba ‘to sa application?

    • Gaudencio Natividad says:

      Pwede bang secondary ID na walang litrato for NBI Clearance? Medyo nalilito ako, guys!

    • Mendoza says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online for business permit requirements? Ano ‘yung mga needed documents?

    • Lorie Santos says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! May discount ba kapag birthday mo? Haha!

    • Dangdang Tolentino says:

      Bes, paano ‘pag late dumating sa scheduled appointment? Baka ma-cancel!

    • Eduarda Lim says:

      Bes, paano kung nagka-typo sa address? May remedyo ba ‘to?

    • Zosimo Ramos says:

      Bes, paano kung di ko ma-contact ‘yung NBI hotline? Ano ‘yung ibang options?

    • Gener Vargas Hernandez says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Ano ‘yung pinaka-common na mistake sa application? Avoidable ba?

    • Fuentes says:

      Pano ko malalaman ‘yung requirements kung OFW ako at kailangan ko ng NBI Clearance? Di ko alam!

    • Salome says:

      Paano kung may nagsusumbong sayo sa NBI? Scary naman ‘to!

    • Nestor says:

      Pwede bang terno ‘yung NBI Clearance sa OOTD? Char lang!

    • Leng Yambao says:

      Kapag gusto ko magpa-rush, paano ‘yung process? May additional fee ba?

    • Piolo Ocampo says:

      How to check if my NBI Clearance is ready for release? Excited na ako kunin ‘to!

    • Dindo Dela Peña says:

      Paano kung nawala ‘yung appointment code? Panic mode na ako!

    • Jason Estrada says:

      Bes, pwede bang gamitin ‘yung driver’s license kahit expired na? Desperate na!

    • Teressa Cortez says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online for dummies, pwede ba ‘yung ganun na title next time? Haha!

    • Andres says:

      Kapag may “Pending” status ang appointment, ano ‘yung next step? Help!

    • Femi Martinez says:

      Kapag “Site Not Secure” ang lumabas, paano i-ensure ‘yung safety ng info ko?

    • Chona Aguilar Jimenez says:

      How to make sure na tama ‘yung details na nasa NBI Clearance ko? Baka may mali sa spelling.

    • Alfonso Uy says:

      Ano ‘yung next step pagkatapos ng fingerprinting and photo capture sa NBI Clearance processing? Confused ako, guys!

    • Elsa Calderon says:

      Napaka-informative! Pero paano kung nagbago ang rules sa 2024?

    • Cornelio Javier says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Paano kung may typographical error sa name ko? Nakakaloka!

    • Jose Tolentino says:

      Ano ‘yung difference ng NBI Clearance at Postal ID? Confusing naman!

    • Kimkim Iglesias says:

      Bes, pwede bang humingi ng extension sa payment? May extra charge ba?

    • Virginia Santillan says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Paano kung mali ‘yung nailagay ko sa “Occupation”? Pwede bang baguhin?

    • Michael says:

      Paano malalaman kung may discount? Student ako, kaya dapat may discount, ‘di ba?

    • Anton Uy says:

      Pwede bang photocopied ang valid ID? Para di masayang ‘yung orig.

    • Cora Javier says:

      Bes, paano ‘pag na-hack ‘yung account? Worried ako baka mawala lahat.

    • Alejandra Valdez says:

      Grabe, paano ba malalaman kung legit ‘yung NBI Clearance payment na ginawa ko? Baka ma-scam ako, kinakabahan ako dito!

    • Dangdang Hernandez says:

      Ano ‘yung validity ng NBI Clearance for travel? Kailangan ba laging updated?

    • Daniel says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I have a pending case? Ano ‘yung mga required documents?

    • Martin Cabrera says:

      Can I use a company ID with an expired ID picture for NBI Clearance? Ano ‘yung rules?

    • Ian Santos says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I don’t have a permanent address? Ano ‘yung alternatives?

    • Luningning says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit walang appointment? Pwede bang walk-in?

    • Marky Sison says:

      Paano ba mag-check ng NBI Clearance schedule sa website? Di ko mahanap ‘yung link.

    • Margarita Bautista says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Paano kung may technical glitch habang nag-aapply? Nakakastress!

    • Eustaquio Ortega says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit walang smartphone? Ano ‘yung alternatives?

    • Pilar Domingo Zamora says:

      Kapag student, pwede bang school ID lang ang gamitin? Ano kailangan?

    • Gabriel Zarate says:

      How can I correct a mistake in my NBI Clearance application after submission? Help a friend out!

    • Abad says:

      Pano ko ba ma-check ‘yung status ng NBI Clearance application ko online? Parang nawawala e!

    • Jess Ramos says:

      Paano malalaman kung pwede ang NBI Clearance sa ibang bansa?

    • Clara Uy says:

      Paano ko malalaman kung activated na ‘yung NBI Clearance account ko? Di ko mahanap ‘yung confirmation!

    • Jun Tolentino says:

      Paano ko i-rereschedule ang appointment kung may conflict sa schedule? Help me decide!

    • Ivan Santos says:

      Paano palitan ‘yung email address sa NBI Clearance account? Hindi ko mahanap ‘yung option!

    • Quezon says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I don’t have a valid ID yet? Ano ‘yung mga alternative documents?

    • Fritzie says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit minor pa? Pwedeng ba?

    • Anita Lopez says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online pag walang valid ID? Ano ang alternative?

    • Ogie says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I’m currently abroad? Ano ‘yung steps?

    • Claudio Paredes says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I have a pending application from the previous year? Ano ‘yung steps?

    • Gervasio Hidalgo says:

      Kapag may “Failed Payment” sa GCash, paano i-retry? Nakakapraning!

    • Jose Lopez says:

      Paano ba i-update ‘yung profile information sa NBI Clearance account? Medyo outdated na kasi ‘yung address ko.

    • Mimi Gomez Flores says:

      What’s the purpose of the captcha sa NBI Clearance Online registration? May function ba ‘to?

    • Zosimo says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kung baguhan sa digital world? Kinakabahan ako!

    • Alejandra Mendoza says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung may hit ako sa record? Ano ‘yung mga next steps?

    • Alden Valdez says:

      Can I use a barangay ID for NBI Clearance Online? Effective pa ba ‘to?

    • Maria Bautista says:

      Can I get NBI Clearance even if I’m unemployed? Ano ‘yung mga proof of income na pwede?

    • Coco says:

      How to avoid delays sa NBI Clearance release? Medyo busy kasi ako, ayaw ko ng hassle.

    • Janno Ramos says:

      What’s the process if I want to get NBI Clearance for visa application? Ano ‘yung mga requirements?

    • Eduarda Pascual Lim says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I don’t have a middle name on my ID? May alternative ba?

    • Pau Reyes Del Rosario says:

      Pwede bang mag-apply kahit walang trabaho? Ano ‘yung mga proof of income na pwede?

    • Teressa Paredes says:

      Hello sa lahat ng nag-comment! Anong advice niyo sa mga first-timers dito?

    • Bing says:

      Pwede bang mag-walk in kahit may appointment? I’m not sure, guys!

    • Wilma Estrada says:

      How long does it take for the NBI Clearance to be released after processing? Di ko sure ‘yung timeline!

    • Nene Torres says:

      Ano ‘yung mga steps pagkatapos ma-confirm ‘yung appointment for NBI Clearance? Ano susunod na gawin?

    • Riri Barretto says:

      Ano ‘yung mga additional requirements para sa NBI Clearance ng minor? Di ko alam kung kasama sa listahan.

    • Paz Reyes says:

      Kapag walang printer, paano ‘yung online application? May ibang option ba?

    • Zanjoe Dela Cruz Javier says:

      ‘Yung friend ko, di pa rin nakakarecover ng account. Pwede ba ‘yung hotline?

    • Aljur Lacson says:

      Bes, paano kung wala akong valid ID? May ibang alternative ba na pwedeng gamitin?

    • Lynlyn Fernandez says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung nawala email confirmation? Ano ‘yung dapat gawin?

    • Bing Quezon says:

      Pano malalaman ‘yung expiration date ng NBI Clearance? Hanggang kailan valid?

    • Love Luna says:

      Okay ba talaga gamitin ang GCash? Hindi kasi ako techie masyado.

    • Maymay says:

      Bes, walang kasiguraduhan na tama ang nailagay ko sa form. Nakakapraning!

    • Lynlyn Dizon Aquino says:

      Bes, pwede bang mag-apply para sa ibang tao? Hindi kasi marunong ‘yung kapatid ko.

    • Aguilar says:

      Kapag nag-resched, pwede bang i-maintain ‘yung payment? Sayang kasi eh.

    • Austria says:

      Pwede bang gamitin ang postal ID for NBI Clearance application? Accepted pa ba ‘to?

    • Lynlyn Ramos says:

      Paano kung wala kang valid ID na pangalan mo lang ang nandun? Desperate mode!

    • Velasquez says:

      Magkano ‘yung fee sa NBI Clearance? Hindi ko alam kung paano babayaran ‘to eh.

    • Martin Vargas says:

      Bakit parang may extra step ‘yung optional? May advantage ba ‘yun?

    • Zack Gomez says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Paano ba mag-apply kung laging “Fully Booked” ang slots?

    • Ivan Tolentino says:

      Pwede bang magdala ng expired passport as a valid ID for NBI Clearance? Accepted pa ba ‘to?

    • Kiko Herrera Yap says:

      Hindi ko gets kung paano ko malalaman ‘yung available dates para sa appointment.

    • Angel Velasquez says:

      What’s the process if I want to get NBI Clearance for migration purposes? Ano ‘yung mga requirements?

    • Yolly Santos says:

      Kaya ko kaya ‘to in one sitting? Feeling ko ang tagal!

    • Ron-Ron Santos says:

      Bes, baka pwede pa-share ng GCash referral code? Tara, paregister!

    • Beatriz Diaz says:

      Bes, bakit may auto-correct sa name pag nag-fill out ng form? Nakakalito!

    • Piolo Bautista Luna says:

      Kapag may “Appointment Conflict,” paano ‘yung resolution? Nakakalito!

    • Gonzales says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit wala sa Pilipinas? Pwede bang gawin abroad?

    • Nene Gutierrez says:

      Hello, mga ka-NBI Clearance Online! Sino pa diyan naguluhan sa step 2?

    • Usher Alvarez says:

      Bes, paano ‘pag hindi kumpleto ‘yung biometrics? Ano ‘yung consequences?

    • Kimkim Castillo says:

      What’s the process if I want to get NBI Clearance for business permit requirements? Ano ‘yung mga needed documents?

    • Virginia says:

      Ano ang mga reasons bakit maaaring ma-deny ang NBI Clearance application? Confused ako!

    • Yolly Calderon says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I have a hit in my record? Confused ako, guys!

    • Marita says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung housewife? Ano ‘yung mga required documents?

    • Gigi Panganiban says:

      How can I check my NBI Clearance payment status? Di ko makita sa site!

    • Sison says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit walang appointment? Posible ba ‘to?

    • Pau Javier says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online without smartphone? Possible ba ‘yun?

    • Felipe Yambao says:

      Kapag expired ‘yung valid ID, pwede pa rin bang gamitin? Ano ‘yung rules?

    • Mars Javier says:

      Pwede bang gamitin ang NBI Clearance as a valid ID for other transactions? Confused ako, guys!

    • Jose Carlos says:

      Kapag may HIT, may problema ba sa records ko? Kinakabahan ako bigla!

    • Ubaldo says:

      What’s the process if my payment failed using Paymaya? Panic mode na ako!

    • Renato Luna says:

      Sana may kasamang free coffee ‘yung sa NBI branch. Haha!

    • Dhang-dhang Pascual says:

      Ano ‘yung mga common mistakes ng applicants sa NBI Clearance? Ayoko sana magkamali.

    • Gigi Hernandez says:

      Pwede bang magdala ng authorization letter sa pag-claim ng NBI Clearance? Effective ba ‘to?

    • Concepcion Balagtas says:

      Ano ‘yung additional requirements para sa Seaman’s Book? May alam ba dito?

    • Gerald Hernandez says:

      Bes, paano kung gusto ko i-check ‘yung history ng transactions ko? Saan makikita ‘yun?

    • Perez says:

      Ano ang validity period ng NBI Clearance? Hindi ko sure kung hanggang kailan pwede gamitin.

    • Francis Lopez Hernandez says:

      Paano ko malalaman kung available pa ‘yung preferred appointment schedule ko? Di ko mahanap!

    • Aida Valdez says:

      Ano ba ‘yung pag-claim ng NBI Clearance, madali lang ba? Excited na ako!

    • Elena Ocampo Mendoza says:

      Pwede bang gamitin ‘yung NBI Clearance for loan application? May mga banks kasi na humihingi ng ganito.

    • Raffy Quiambao Santos says:

      Paano ko malalaman ‘yung requirements kung student ako at kailangan ko ng NBI Clearance? Di ko alam!

    • Lynlyn says:

      Para saan ‘yung optional step? May benefits ba ‘pag ginawa ko siya?

    • Carmelo Reyes says:

      Paano malalaman kung may error sa application form? Nakakakaba naman!

    • Jess says:

      Kapag nag-“Processing” ang status ng matagal, ano ang dapat gawin? Nakakainip!

    • Divina Martinez says:

      Bes, anong feeling ng may HIT? Kinakabahan ako bigla!

    • Roberto Paredes says:

      Paano ko ma-check ‘yung status ng NBI Clearance application ko online? Di ko mahanap!

    • Clarita Ocampo says:

      Bes, kahit OFW ka, pwede pa rin ba mag-apply online? Share your experience!

    • Virginia Lopez says:

      Bes, paano kung walang credit card, paano magbayad online? Help!

    • Dominador Estrada says:

      How to apply for NBI Clearance Online kung student pa lang ako? May kailangan bang specific na ID?

    • Lhei Zamora says:

      Paano malalaman kung approved na ‘yung application? Excited na ako!

    • Eduardo Lopez says:

      Alam mo ba kung anong NBI branch ang pinakamabilis ang processing?

    • Ortega says:

      Paano ko gagamitin ang NBI Clearance for international travel? Ano ‘yung mga requirements?

    • Lynlyn Campos Del Rosario says:

      Paano ba mag-book ng appointment for NBI Clearance sa mobile? Di ko alam kung saan pupunta.

    • Josephine Ibanez Fernandez says:

      Kapag OFW, pwede bang humingi ng tulong sa consulate? May specific process ba ‘to?

    • Diane Lim says:

      What to do if I didn’t receive the OTP within 5 minutes? Kaka-register ko lang eh!

    • Tina Yap says:

      Paano ko malalaman kung available na ang NBI Clearance for claiming? Gusto ko sana agad makuha!

    • Ninay Molina says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I have a hit on my record? Ano ‘yung mga susunod na hakbang?

    • Angelita Pangilinan says:

      Paano ko malalaman kung valid pa ‘yung ID ko for NBI Clearance application? Ano ‘yung expiration?

    • Francisco Bautista says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I don’t have a printer for the application form? Help me out!

    • Gilberto Natividad Javier says:

      Grabe, ang dali pala ng NBI Clearance Online kapag sinundan mo ‘tong guide na ‘to!

    • Mimi Zamora says:

      Sana may option na cash lang, wala kasi akong GCash or Paymaya. Ano gagawin ko?

    • Dong Uy says:

      Pwedeng ba ‘yung TIN ID lang gamitin, okay na ba ‘yun?

    • Consuelo says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit senior citizen? Ano ‘yung mga special benefits?

    • Zosimo Fernandez says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Paano kung gusto mo ma-claim ‘yung NBI Clearance ng friend mo? Possible ba?

    • Sam Quijano says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I don’t have a permanent address? Paano ‘to?

    • Patrick Zamora says:

      How to inquire about NBI Clearance fees for 2024? Di ko makita ‘yung breakdown!

    • Regina Quevedo says:

      Pwede bang TIN ID gamitin sa NBI Clearance application? Keri pa ba ‘to?

    • Matteo Santillan says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online ba dapat ang title? Confused lang ako, haha!

    • Tolentino says:

      Bes, paano kung nakalimutan kong i-save ‘yung filled-out form? Panic mode!

    • Cecilia Gomez Jimenez says:

      Paano ko malalaman ‘yung requirements kung mag-aapply ako for local employment? Ano ‘yung mga need ko dalhin?

    • Chai Tolentino says:

      What’s the process for NBI Clearance for business permit requirements? Ano ‘yung mga required documents?

    • Marc Tañada says:

      Hello mga ka-NBI! Paano kung ayaw mag-load ng appointment page? Ano ang solution?

    • Josephine Uy says:

      Paano ko malalaman ‘yung expiration date ng NBI Clearance ko? Ano ‘yung validity?

    • Ricky Pangilinan says:

      Kapag nagbago ‘yung schedule, paano ‘yung appointment? Balik bayad ba?

    • Jason Sison says:

      Kapag may “System Error” sa payment, paano i-aaddress ‘yun? Nakakakaba!

    • Imelda says:

      Hello, NBI Clearance experts! Ano mas maganda, morning or afternoon appointment?

    • Gilberto says:

      Paano ko gagamitin ang NBI Clearance for scholarship applications? Ano ‘yung mga needed requirements?

    • Nitz says:

      Bes, paano kung gusto ko mag-apply for a family member? Ano ‘yung requirements?

    • Luningning says:

      What should I do if I entered the wrong birthdate in my application? Nakakaloka!

    • Queenie Aguilar says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online kahit senior citizen? Any special treatment?

    • Raymundo Zamora says:

      How to apply NBI Clearance Online if I’m a housewife? Ano ‘yung mga required documents?

    • Florencia Luna says:

      Ang gulo ng website, paano mag-log out? Haha!

    • Gemma Rodriguez says:

      Bes, ano ‘yung “System Fee”? May sense ba ‘yung additional na bayad?

    • Gervasio says:

      ‘Yung NBI branch sa kanto lang, okay na ba ‘yun o mas maganda sa malaking mall?

    • Jheng Guzman says:

      Paano ko malalaman kung may “HIT” ako sa records? Kinakabahan ako bigla!


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