Hi NBI Renewal Applicants!
For today’s tutorial, I will teach you how to renew your NBI Clearance Online (NBI Renewal) and how you can arrange a door to door delivery.
We’ll start our tutorial right away!
Go to the official website of NBI Clearance (clearance.nbi.gov.ph)
Clearance.NBI.GOV.PH Registration is an online website portal that accommodates NBI Clearance applicants to register an account, apply and schedule an appointment and pay for the NBI Clearance fees.

NBI Renewal Form
Find the NBI Clearance Online Renewal section (image shown below) and click the “CLICK HERE” button.

The NBI Renewal Form will appear. Fill out the personal information needed.

The following details such as OLD NBI ID can be found in your printed / hard copy NBI Clearance.

Fill out the other information such as your Mobile number, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name and your Date of Birth.
Press the “Verify” button once done.
The next page asks you to verify your identity by entering confidential information such as your Mother’s Information, the mobile number used during registration or the email address used during registration.

Using the drop down list, select from the mentioned verification option. I recommend that you select your Mother’s Information as it is easier to remember since you can’t go wrong in providing your mother’s information, right?

You may still choose the other verification option which is the mobile number or email address you’ve used during registration of your NBI Online
Press again the “Verify” button to proceed with the registration.
The next page will lead you to the Payment Options in paying your NBI Clearance Fee.

Note that it also mentions the NBI Clearance Fee which amounts to P155.00 (P130 for the NBI Clearance and P25 for the E-Payment Service Fee).
Notice that the NBI Clearance Branch is also indicated in the screen above. If you are planning to personally pick the hard copy of your NBI Clearance, make sure to copy the NBI Branch indicated here.
The available payment options for your NBI Clearance Application Fee are the following:
- Bayad Center
- Bayad Center Mobile App
- ECPay
- 7-Eleven – How to Pay Your NBI Clearance Application in 7-Eleven
- Visa / Mastercard (Credit Card Payment)
- GCASH – How To Pay Your NBI Clearance Fee Application In Your GCash App
For this tutorial, we will choose GCASH as our payment option. Press the GCash icon to start the payment process of your NBI Clearance Fee.

This will open a dialog box which provides you with the Payment instruction.

There are three (3) items mentioned in the box, read it carefully. The instruction simply states the following:
- A Reference Number will be generated
- Use your GCash App
- Pay using your Reference Number or scan QR Code
At the bottom of the dialog box, press the “Proceed to Payment” button.
Your NBI Clearance Reference Number will be generated.

Take a screenshot of your NBI Clearance Reference Number or write it down in a piece of paper.
Take note of this because it is very crucial information to your NBI Clearance Online Application.
For the meantime, we will leave the NBI Clearance website and move to our mobile phone to use our GCASH App.
Make sure not to close the NBI Clearance website because we are not finished yet. We will return to this page again after our transaction with GCASH.
Now that the NBI Clearance Reference Number is generated, you may now pay for the NBI Clearance Fees using GCASH.
For a more detailed tutorial on how to pay your NBI Clearance Fee using Gcash, you may want to read our separate tutorial about it here.
Open your GCash app on your mobile phone and go to the Pay Bills section. Search for “NBI” as the Biller and enter the Reference number and the amount.

Note that the NBI Clearance Reference Number and the NBI Clearance fee was shown earlier, I believe you have written it down.

Take a screenshot or save the GCASH Receipt. Make sure to save your Receipt from GCASH because this will be presented when your plan to personally pick up your NBI Clearance in the designated NBI Clearance Branch.

Right after you paid your NBI Clearance Fee, return the NBI Clearance website where you left it.
Notice at the bottom of the page, you will see a text saying:
“How would you like your clearance to be delivered?”

There are two options:
- Pick-Up
- NBI Clearance Door to Door Delivery
NBI Clearance Renewal Pick Up
If you choose to Personally Pick Up your NBI Clearance, make sure to follow these instructions before going to the designated NBI Clearance Branch.

- Verify if your NBI Clearance is due for release by calling the NBI Clearance Hotline No. 8524-1277 and/or 8523-8231 local 5509.
- You may send a text message to 09150656899 for Globe subscribers and 09478648747 for SMART. To text, simply type the Reference Number <space> NBI. Example: MNSBNJH NBI
- NBI Clearance Applicant must present his/her NBI Official Receipt or receipt issued through NBI electronic payment channel where the reference number is specified. In this case, present your GCASH Receipt which I asked you to save/screenshot earlier.
Just a reminder to make sure that your NBI Clearance is due for release. Make sure to call or text first before going to the NBI Branch. If you are not sure that your NBI Clearance is not ready, I recommend that you refrain from going to the NBI Clearance to avoid inconvenience.
NBI Clearance Renewal Door To Door Delivery
If you choose to have your NBI Clearance delivered to you at your specified delivery address, there are additional steps to be done since you will be instructing a third-party service provider (DeliveryBox.ph) to handle the claiming of your NBI Clearance in the NBI Branch and its delivery to your address.

To choose the NBI Clearance Online Delivery, press the “Door-To-Door DELIVERY” button and press the “Proceed” button.

A Disclaimer Notice will appear. Carefully read it and press the button “I Agree” once done.

You will be directed to the website of the third-party service provider (deliverybox.ph). Their Terms and Conditions as well as the Data Privacy will be shown immediately. You have the freedom to read it or not.

Scroll down at the bottom of the page to see the two buttons. Press the “AGREE” to proceed.

RIght after that, another pop out window will appear. This will tell you the delivery fees that you will need to pay depending on your location. For delivery addresses within NCR, the delivery fee is P200. If outside NCR, the delivery fee is P350.

Press the “Proceed” button to move to the next page.
In the Delivery Details Form provided, enter all the personal information needed such as the Receiver’s Complete Name, Mobile Number and Complete Address.

You are also required to pin your delivery location by using the map. There are two ways to do this, the first one is by dragging the red location arrow to your location in the map.

You can use the minus (-) to zoom in functionality of the map so you can easily find your location.

You can also use the search functionality of the map by typing your location. A list of delivery location will be shown, choose your location accordingly.

If you can’t find the exact location in the map, it’s best to find the known landmark near your place then drag the “pin marker” to your exact place or delivery location.
Once you have pinned your location, press the proceed button to submit.

You will be redirected to the payment of your Shipping / Delivery fee which amounts to P200 (if within NCR) or P350 (if outside NCR).
Choose your preferred payment method, in my case I prefer to pay the delivery fee using GCASH.

Click the GCash icon and press the proceed button.

Enter your GCASH Mobile number and press the “NEXT” button.

GCASH will send a 6 digit authentication code sent to your registered mobile number. Enter it correctly and and then press next.

Once payment has been made, you will receive text message from NBI and GCash confirming the receipt of your payment.

Notify 3rd-Party Service Provider about your NBI Renewal Application
Since you have chosen for the Door to Door Delivery service, you must do these additional steps.
- Send a Authorization and Consent/Waiver thru email with the following content. You may copy and paste the sample letter below.
I am authorizing courier DeliveryBox.ph to claim and receive my NBI Clearance Certificate, UNSEALED, in my behalf;
I hereby give my consent to the NBI to release my UNSEALED Clearance Certificate to my designated Courier; and
Lastly, I hereby release the NBI, its employees, contractors, and processors, from any liability under R.A. 10173, or the Data Privacy Act of 2012.
2. In your email, attached a copy or picture of the NBI Official Receipt or receipt issued through NBI electronic payment channel where the reference number is specified. If you remember, you have taken a screenshot of your payment from GCash earlier.
3. Send the email to releasing@nbi.gov.ph and support@deliverybox.ph
Step-by-Step GUIDE to Apply for NEW NBI Clearance Online: A blog on how you can apply for NBI Clearance Online without the hassled and deals with the common questions people usually have when they are applying for NBI clearance.