How To Apply NBI Clearance Online – NBI is making things easy for the NBI Clearance applicants.
Gone are the days where people used to write and fill up the application form. Gone are the days where every applicant needs to line up for the payment of their NBI Clearance in the Cashier.
Those days are over!
NBI Clearance are now decentralized and can now be done online through the help of their website.
After the online registration and payment of application fee of the applicant, they may proceed directly to any of the 55 NBI Clearance Branches nationwide for the photo and biometric (finger print scanning) and the release of their respective NBI Clearance.
I’m sure you landed on this article from your Google search on “How To Apply NBI Clearance Online” or “NBI Online Registration“, right?
Well, lucky you! We have written a comprehensive guide on how to do it!
Here are the steps on how to apply NBI Clearance Online.
- Register an account in NBI Clearance Online Website.
- Fill up the NBI Clearance Application Form.
- Schedule an NBI Online Appointment.
- Pay the NBI Clearance Online Fees
- Process your NBI Clearance Online Application
- Releasing of your NBI Clearance.
The steps on how to apply NBI Clearance Online listed above are summarized to make it easier for the readers to have an overview of the entire process on how to apply for NBI Clearance Online.
We will discuss it in detail each steps, one by one for the purpose of this tutorial.
Also, we will include possible questions commonly asked by our readers. If we missed anything, feel free to leave a comment in the comment section of this article down below. We highly encourage you to asked questions if you don’t understand anything from this tutorial!
For the sake of this tutorial, we will assume that the applicant don’t have an NBI Clearance Online Application account yet.
Having said that, the NBI Clearance Online application that we’re doing is for the new applicants. Though this tutorial can be applied to all NBI Clearance renewal applicants also. They just need to tweak or skip few steps.
Note: There’s a new feature in NBI Clearance website where you can apply for an NBI Clearance at home. This is the NBI Clearance Quick Renewal. You can read more about it here in our separate article (How to Apply NBI Clearance Quick Renewal).
Before we start this tutorial, we would like to ask you (our dear reader) to share this article in Facebook or Twitter or any social media websites if you find this useful and helpful.
We really want to spread this article so that people looking for a tutorial on how to properly apply for an NBI Clearance Online can easily find it.
To begin our tutorial on how to apply NBI Clearance Online, we’ll start with Step 1 – Registration.
Go to the official website of NBI Clearance ( and register an account.
To do this, on the right side of the page, a registration form is displayed where new applicants of NBI Clearance Online account is required to be filled up.

Enter the required personal information such as your name, email address, birth date and your preferred password for your account.
Agree to the Terms of service by clicking the check box button below.
Press sign up to complete the NBI Clearance Online Application.
A small window will appear asking for confirmation if what you have entered are correct.
Make sure that you verify the correctness of your personal information because you won’t be able to modify this after this step.
After checking your personal information, you may click the “YES” button to finalize your NBI Clearance Online Account Registration.
You will be directed to the main dashboard or main page of your NBI Clearance Online Account. This means that your account registration is successful.
It says that the email I’m using is already taken, what does this mean?
Maybe you already have an account registered? You just forget it.
There’s also a possibility that someone used your email address. Try to use the Forgot Password feature of the website to reset your password. An email will be sent to your email address to reset it.
Can I register a second account with NBI Clearance Online?
Yes. A second account is fine. Just make sure to use a different email address.
I already have an account with NBI Clearance Online but I can’t remember the password. What should I do?
You can use the Forgot Password. Just what I’ve said in the previous question.
If you don’t have an access to your email address, you can just register a second account.
I don’t have a second email address, what should I do?
You can create a new one. I recommend GMAIL. But other email service is fine. There’s no problem with that.
Is the email address really important in the NBI Clearance Online Registration?
Well, sort of. Actually, the website only need your email address as your USER NAME but aside from that there’s no other use.
The NBI Clearance website won’t be sending any emails to you unless you use the Forgot Password feature.
We tried to register an account using a fake email address and it went through. But we don’t want you to use a fake email. Because If you forgot your password, you can reset your password using the “Forgot Password” feature and the website will send a RESET link to reset your account password.
The next steps discusses the NBI Clearance Online Application Form.
Right after the account registration, all applicants are required to fill up the application form.

Enter your personal information such as:
- Name
- Address
- Birth Date and Birth Place
- Citizenship
- Educational Attainment
- Occupation
- Your Parents Name and birth place
- Weight
- Height
Press the SAVE INFORMATION button bellow.
What if I don’t have a Middle Name?
The website requires middle name to be entered but for some cases, the applicant don’t known his or her Middle Name.
If this happens, you may write “Middle Name Unknown”.
I noticed that I have an incorrect personal information written in my application form. What should I do?
You can still correct this mistake by click the “EDIT INFORMATION” button and it will lead you the application form again to edit your mistake.
Schedule an appointment.
Now your next step would be Scheduling your Appointment for your NBI Clearance Online Processing.
In the right side of your screen, right beside the your Application Form you’ll see “APPLY FOR CLEARANCE” button. Click it to start scheduling your appointment.
A small window will show up asking you what Valid ID you have that you will present when applying for an NBI Clearance.
You may refer to the list of Valid IDs accepted in applying NBI Clearance.
It will direct you the scheduling system of the website. First thing to do is select the NBI Clearance Branch where you want to appear and process your NBI Clearance.
Select any NBI branch that you prefer. I advise you to choose a branch that is near and convenient for you.
Remember that this is the place where you’re going to process you NBI Clearance and have your Photo taken as well as biometrics (finger print scan).
Next is the Date and Time. Select your preferred date and time. NBI Clearance Branches are open Monday to Friday, 9AM to 5PM. Though the Office hours differ from every branch.
Another thing, the availability of the NBI Branch also depend on Philippine Holiday and Local Municipality Holiday. This means, NBI Branch are not open during holidays. There are times that the City where the NBI Branch is located held its own holiday such as Manila Day, Quezon City Day and others. When this happens, NBI Branch on that area is close.
So make sure to check the holiday calendar before you set an appointment.

Select the date you want to process your NBI Clearance. Obviously, select the date when you are available.
There are only two option for the Time Slot, AM (morning) and PM (afternoon / after lunch). There’s no specific time.
What time do I exactly come to the NBI Clearance Branch?
It’s up to you. If you chose AM, then go there when the branch opens. I recommend going there early.
If you chose PM, after lunch to closing is the time.
You’re almost done with the NBI Clearance Online Application. After selecting the NBI Branch, Time and Date, select the payment method. I recommend paying your NBI Clearance in 7-Eleven with a working Cliqq Booth/Terminal.
Note that it will also show you how much NBI Clearance application fees. It will cost you P130 for NBI Clearance, P25 for E-Payment Services and additional P15 for convenience fee if you use 7-Eleven as payment method.
Also note that all payment options has different amount of Convenience fees.
Click the 7-Eleven icon to proceed. It will display your NBI Clearance Reference Number. Take note of it or take a photo using your smart phone.
The NBI Clearance Reference Number will be use when paying your NBI Clearance Online Application Fee.
What If I lost the NBI Clearance Online Reference Number?
Don’t worry, you still have a copy of it saved in your NBI Clearance account. Just log in back to your account and go to “TRANSACTIONS” page. You can find it at the left portion of the screen (if you’re using a desktop).
I already made a schedule of my NBI Clearance appointment, can I still reschedule it?
Unfortunately, no. You can’t reschedule it. But if you didn’t pay it yet, you can schedule another appointment on the day you really want and ignore the previous appointment and previously issued NBI Clearance Reference number. As long as you didn’t pay the old or previous appointment you made.
Does the NBI Clearance Reference Number has an expiration?
Yes, the NBI Clearance Reference Number must be paid within 24 hours or it gets expired. You won’t be able to pay it in your chosen payment option.
Also, the cashier from the payment center will not accept your payment because your reference number is expired.
The cashier didn’t accept my NBI Clearance Reference number, what should I do?
Easy, you just need to log in back to your account and repeat Steps 3 to 6. That way, you’ll be able to schedule another appointment with NBI Clearance website.
Can I refund the payment that I made for NBI Clearance Application Fee?
Ideally, there should be a refund. But you have to coordinate with the NBI Clearance Office. Which will be a hassle on your part (believe me).
You can call 09179999421 or 09204129999.
I want to apply for an NBI Clearance for Travel Abroad or any other purpose. I realized that I didn’t select the purpose of my NBI Clearance. Why is that?
Its because all the issued NBI Clearance are “Multi Purpose”. This means that the Multi Purpose NBI Clearance can be accepted to any transaction you use it. Please read, Multi Purpose NBI Clearance.
Pay the NBI Clearance Online Fees
This section gives you an overview on how to pay your NBI Clearance Online Application in 7-Eleven.
But we have written a more detailed tutorial on how to pay your NBI Clearance Online Application Fee in any 7-Eleven.
Anyway, head down to the nearest 7-Elven Branch with a working Cliqq booth.
A Cliqq booth serves as a self service bills payment machine where customers can use to transact their bills payment.

Use the machine correctly to pay your NBI Clearance Application fee.
Once you’re done with the payment, you can now keep your receipt.
If you logged in to your NBI Clearance Online account and head to Transactions page, you’ll see that the status of your application will be “Paid”.
This means that the payment from 7-Eleven was already accepted by the system of NBI Clearance.
I already paid but it says in the website that its still “UNPAID”, what should I do?
Nothing, you can do anything about it actually. But as long as you keep your payment receipt and the NBI Clearance Reference Number, you’re good to go.
You can head down to the NBI Clearance branch on the day of your scheduled appointment. You can totally forget the “unpaid” status of your application from the NBI Clearance website.
I lost the payment receipt, what should I do?
The answer to this is a little bit tricky.
First thing to do is go back to the NBI Clearance Online website and log in to your account. Go to Transaction Page and find the reference number you’ve used when you pay your application fee. Check the status if it change from “Unpaid” to “PAID”.
If it’s already Paid, then you don’t have a problem. Just take note of the reference number or take a screenshot or photo of it. You can just bring this to show the NBI Clearance Personnel when processing your NBI Clearance.
You can just forget the receipt because it is already recognized by the system that you already paid.
If its Unpaid, wait for at least six (6) hours, it should change the status to paid.
Do I need to print the NBI Clearance Application Form?
You don’t have to print the NBI Clearance application form. It’s optional. You have the freedom to print or not to print the said application form.
But as long as you have the NBI Clearance Reference Number, you’re good to go.
I lost my Receipt, NBI Clearance Reference Number and I can’t log in to my NBI Clearance Online Account. What should I do?
Whoa. This is a huge problem. You lost all the those important things? The thing is, the most important item from that is the NBI Clearance Reference Number.
If you don’t have it, you can just retrieve it from your online account but if you can’t open your account. Then you can just use the “FORGOT PASSWORD” feature of the website.
The website will send an email to the registered
Process your NBI Clearance Online Application
The day you schedule your appointment is the day you should go to the NBI Clearance Branch where you set the appointment. Also, keep in mind of the time slot you have scheduled (either AM or PM)
As previously mentioned above, you don’t have to print the application form. As long as you have your NBI Clearance Reference Number.
Make sure to bring two (2) Valid IDs as part of the NBI Clearance Requirements.
Here are the list of NBI Clearance Requirements accepted in applying an NBI Clearance:
- Valid Philippine Passport
- Voter’s ID
- Driver’s License
- PRC License
- Postal ID
- School ID
- Philhealth ID
- Alien Cert of Registration
- Senior Citizen
- Previous Copy of NBI Clearance
- PhilSys ID
On the day of your scheduled appointment, make sure to wear appropriate attire according to the dress code implemented in the NBI Clearance branches.

Note that guards assigned at the entrance of the NBI Clearance Branch can deny you the entry if you’re not wearing appropriate clothes.
When you arrive at the branch, expect that your photo and biometrics (finger prints) will be taken.
Usually, there’s a queue line on these due to volume of applicants. There’s nothing special with the Photo Capture and Finger Print.
What you need to watch out is the incorrect personal information written in your application form. This is the chance to correct it.
The NBI Clearance Personnel will let you verify for incorrect information in NBI Clearance Online. Check each lines just to be sure.
Releasing of your NBI Clearance.
Once you’re done with Photo Capture and finger prints, you will be asked to proceed the releasing area.
A separate waiting room or area is designated for releasing the NBI Clearance issued for the day.
The release of your NBI Clearance fully depend on your name if you have a HIT or not.
According to our previous article:
“HIT” is the term used by NBI Clearance Outlets if the applicant has a namesake and requires the NBI Clearance to be verified further before released to its owner. There are 104 Million (and counting) breathing individuals in the Philippines. With that size of population, there’s a chance that you have a namesake who already applied for their NBI Clearance.
You’ve been HIT! Reasons why you can’t afford a one day NBI Clearance processing!
If you don’t have a hit, they will be release your NBI Clearance in a few minutes.
If you have an NBI Clearance HIT, they will ask you to go home and come back on their assigned date. Its usually eight (8) working days but sometimes, it extends to fifteen (15) working days due to huge volume of applicants.

In short, you have to wait for the pick up date the NBI Clearance assigned before you get your hands on your precious NBI Clearance.
I failed to claim my NBI Clearance, can I still claim it?
It depends. If we’re just talking about 2 to 3 weeks, maybe you can still claim it. But if we’re talking about a month or several months, there’s a possibility that they won’t give it to you since its been there already for so long and have to destroy it.
I won’t be able to claim my NBI Clearance on the specified date, can I ask someone to claim it?
Yes, you can do that. But you should issue an Authorization Letter stating that you authorized your representative to claim your NBI Clearance. You may read more about this in our article (Ask Someone To Claim Your NBI Clearance).
There’s also a chance that when you claim your NBI Clearance after waiting eight (8) working days, the NBI Personnel asks you to go to the NBI Clearance Taft Main Building for Quality Control Interview.
According to our previous post, NBI Clearance Quality Control Interview:
In my own understanding, NBI Clearance Quality Control Interview is a process by which an NBI Personnel reviews or verify the true identity of the NBI Clearance applicant.
This usually happens if you have the following:
- You have a pending or ongoing case.
- You are under for arrest (outstanding warrant of arrest) and needs to be identified in relation to a crime by the Police Authorities
Or its mostly possible that you have:
- You have a Namesake has a pending or ongoing case or
- Your Namesake are under for arrest (outstanding warrant of arrest) and needs to be identified in relation to a crime by the Police Authorities
You can read more about the Quality Control Interview here at our article.
There you have it, its the complete and ultimate guide on how to apply NBI Clearance Online.
I missed my NBI Clearance Appointment, can I still go the other day?
It also depends. If you missed your schedule and 2 to 5 working days have passed, you still go to the NBI Online Clearance Branch and process your NBI Clearance or NBI Renewal.
But if it’s been a more than a week, NBI Branch can deny you of their service.
If ever you still have a question which is not tackled in this post, feel free to leave a comment down below.
Again, it would be such a great help for us if you share this article in Facebook. Just click the Facebook icon below! Thank you!
345 thoughts on “How To Apply NBI Clearance Online in 7 Easy Steps”
Hi gusto ko sana mag schedule ng appointment para sa pagkuha ng nbi clearance?
Pakibasa nalang po ang article sa itaas on how to apply NBI Clearance Online.
Hindi ko napuntahan sa araw mismo ng appointment ko sa nbi clearance online application? Puede pa din po ba ako magprocess ng nbi clearance? Salamat sa makakasagot.
Maari mo pong balikan ang iyong NBI Clearance sa ibang araw pero dapat po ay sa lalong madaling panahon. Possible po kasi na hindi na ibigay sayo ito dahil napakatagal na.
Anong requirements sa pagkuha ng nbi clearance?
Nakalista po sa itaas ang valid IDs na requirements para sa NBI Clearance Online application.
Saan ko makikita ang nbi clearance application form?
Mag register ka po ng NBI Clearance Online Account upang makapag fill up ka ng Application form.
Isa lang ang id ko sa nbi clearance requirements, tatanggapin kaya kung isa lang?
Maari pong tanggapin. Depende sa pakiusapan. Pero dalawa po talaga ang requirement na valid ID.
How to do an nbi clearance online application?
Saan pwede mag apply ng nbi clearance na mabilis?
What if photocopy lang ng valid id ang dala ko? Pwede pa din ba yun as nbi clearance requirements?
Hindi po allowed ang photocopy ng mga valid IDs. Required po na original ang inyong dalhin.
Kailangan pa ba na magregister sa nbj online?
Yes, required na po ang nbi clearance online registration para po makapag apply.
Puede bang sa ibang araw ko nalng puntahan ang nbi clearance ko? Hindi kasi ako makakapunta kasi may trabaho ako?
Pwede po pero as much as possible, balikan nyo po agad ito sa lalong madaling panahon.
Nbi clearance online application is very easy sana. Kaso hanggang ngayon may hit pa din ako. Akala ko mawawala na to pag online application na.
Hindi po mawawala yang HIT nyo hangga’t meron kang kapangalan. at kung babaguhin po ng NBI ang systema nila ng pag verify nila ng mga applicants, possible po na mawala.
Paano kumuha ng nbi clearance online?
Maari nyo pong basahin ang guide or article na nakasulat sa itaas.
Nawawala po ang kopya ko ng luma kong nbi clearance. Pwede pa din po ba ang renewal pag ganito?
Wala pong problema kung nawawala po ang iyong lumang NBI Clearance. Pwede ka pa din po magapply pero NEW Application na po. Hindi na po pwede ang Renewal. Don’t worry, same proess lang po ito.
Hindi ko na po maalala ang password at email address na ginamit ko dati sa nbi clearance ko. Paano na kaya?
Magregister ka nalang po ng bagong account sa NBI Clearance Online website. Gumamit ka po ng bagong email address.
Pwede pa ba ang walk in applicant?
Matagal na pong itinigil ang pagtanggap ng walk in application sa NBI Clearance.
Nakapagbayad na ako pwede na ba akong pumunta ngayon din sa nbi clearance branch?
No. need mo po hintayin kung kelan ka nakaschedule iprocess ang iyong NBI Clearance.
Nbi clearance online application how?
please read the NBI Clearance Online application article above please.
magulo ang system nyo
San ko pwedeng makuha ang nbi clearance ko bukod sa taft avenue main building? Dun ako kasi pinapapunta kasi daw may hit ako.
Dun lang po pwede kunin ang iyong NBI Clearance. wala na pong ibang branch. mag uundergo ka po ata ng Quality Control Interview dahil meron kang HIT.
Saan ako magreregister ng nbi clearance?
Check mo po ang step 1, andun po ang way on how to register an account in NBI Clearance Online website.
Nbi online registration how to apply?
Hello! You can read the guide on how to apply for nbi clearance in the article above. Feel free to leave a comment for your questions.
Hi, Pag nsa Australia po for example. Paano po kami makakapag apply ng NBI Clearance. Please elaborate step by step procedure and if possible can you send it in my email address stated below. Thank you po
Currently in Brisbane, Australia. Thanks
Short answer po sa question mo ay magpunta ka sa Philippine Consulate para dun magapply.
Pwede mo pong basahin ang article na ito:
Para sa guide on how to apply nbi clearance while in abroad.
mam kat delano pwd po ba ako magonline apply using may phone or tablet since wala akong desktop or laptop?
Yes po. pwede po kayo mag apply ng NBI Clearance Online using your phone or tablet as long as maaaccess mo po ang website ng NBI Clearance.
Hi po. Sana po may sumagot sa tanong ko.
Nag fill up po ako online nasunod ko naman po ng tama ung naka indicate na steps.
Kaso pag save ko naalala ko wala pa lang nakalagay if for travel abroad or local.
Pano po gagawin ko?
Nung nagbayad ako sa 7/11 ang binayad ko ay 130+25 na service charge.
how to get apply nbi clearance from hk.thank you
Pwede ka pong makakuha ng NBI Clearance through Philippine Consulate. Try nyo po basahin ang tutorial on how to apply NBI Clearance while in Abroad.
hello po. during work hours lang po ba pwede mag online registration for renewal? tinatry ko po kase kaninang 6pm kapag mag proceed nako from step 1 ang sabi invalid info e tama naman po. 🙁 thank you po
good day sir maam…
want ko po mag apply ng nbi clearance online… how po. medyo magulo po kasi instractions.. i mean.. pag click ko instractions po eh… same parin po lumalabas…
Bakit di ko po ma access yung website nyo na Lagi pong Error ang lumalabas pag sign in ko
Hi..down po ba ang site ng NBI? I was trying to book an appointment for renewal kaso lagi may lumalabas na “Either we are updating the website or you have an internet connection problem”. I checked my connection ok naman sya. Pwede ba ako mag walk in nyan bukas? Nov. 12?
How can I fill up the form? I cannot open the online application. Please advice.
Hello rex, you can check out the article above on how to fill up the application of NBI Clearance.
hi sir/ma’am, i want to apply for an nbi clearance and i still want to keep my maiden name..btw, i am a do i go about it..thank you..
pwede naman po yung gusto nyo. make sure na when signing up, wag mo pong gagamitin ang iyong married last name para po hindi magreflect.
Good0rning Mam/Sir
Gustu ku pu xana mag apply ng NBI CLEARANCE hindi ko pu kase ala kung panna at ano gagawin ?? Can u help me h0w tHanky0u and G0dbless.
Hello Donalyn, Good day!
you can just read the above article on how to apply nbi clearance online. 🙂
How to apply mam sir for renewal
You can read the tutorial of nbi clearance online written above po for details.
I am done with the registration. I am completed filling out the Application Form but I am having with saving it. It seems there is a problem in saving it. I’ve waited more than 30 mins already. I also tried several times to reload the page and wait for it to save but failed. I am sure that I have a very good internet connection. What could be the problem? Why it takes so much time saving it? I hope somebody respond. Thanks.
hmmm. seems weird. try nyo nalang po ang nbi clearance website ulit after two hours or non peak hours around 9pm onwards.
Good morning po, wala po kasi sa instruction kung pwede ba ma edit ung maling pag fill up ng NBI forms, Actually It was parents who went there to apply for an NBI clearance, what had happen was, dahil senior na po sila at hindi teki sa computer, nung nag fill up po sila at nakapag bayad na, doon lang po naalala ng mother ko na may na fill upan po syang mali sa form, ung portion ng parents name, imbes na mother ko ang ilagay ng parents ng father ko ang nailagay nya, pero mother ko po ang nag aapply para sa NBI tlga, may pwede po bang puntahang site para maedit nlng po since bayad nmn na sya or kailangan pa po ba pumunta kung saan sya nag paappoint at magbayad ulet ng panibago? o pwede nlng hayaan dahil di nmn makakapekto since sa parents lang nman po ang mali, sana po ay makakuha ng agarang sagot,
details po pala ay
Name of applicant: Laura C. Yuson
Mothers Maiden Name: Cresenciana Delos Angeles Chavez
Father’s Name: Cresencia M. Chavez
Payment date: Nov. 19, 2018
Ref. Number: NB6H5NKPR4
Maraming Salamat po
Rhea C. Yuson
wag na po nyang iedit sa nbi clearance online website. ang gawin nalang nya ay ipa correct nalang nya pag andun na mismo sa NBI Clearance Branch. Just ask the help of the NBI Clearance Personnel. Inform the nbi clearance personnel na meron pong for correction.
How to apply
Apply nbi
There is no “Apply for Clearance” button beside the application form. Is there any other way for me to apply for clearance?
Hi, I’m planning to schedule an appointment on Saturday in Robinsons Place Ermita. However, there’s no option for Saturday schedule. Given this, do I just walk-in for application on Saturday? Since open naman sila ng Saturday mornings. Hope you can let me know. Thank you
I’m not sure kung merong Saturday na NBI Clearance. Ang alam ko ay Mon to Fri lang po. Hindi na po inaallow ang walk in applicants.
paano po un e hndi ko po nbayaran naabotan ng expride date ung pag babayad ko ano po gagawin ko
expired na po ang inyong reference number for nbi clearance. ang need mo gawin ay muli pong mag apply sa kanilang website. New transaction po para magkaron ka ng bagong NBI Clearance reference number.
I have been issued an NBI clearance 5 years ago and have not renewed since then. What type of application should I get the new applicant or renewal?
NEW application po ng NBI Clearance and dapat.
Hello po pwede po ba ako maka renew ng NBI ko need q ksi sa spouse visa dito po ako. sa australia need ko po makarenew uli ng NBI help naman pi kung anong gagawin ko
Yes po, pwede naman po. punta lang kayo ng Philippine COnsulate at dun kayo magapply.
Down ba ang system ngayon? cant register online eh. badly needed na po. hoping for your quick response.
not sure pero madalas magdown ang system during peak hours. magtry ka po cgro mga around 9pm po. baka po ok na ang website ng NBI Clearance Online.
Good day po, tanong ko lang po. Pag renew po Yong na apply ko sa nbi. Need to visit the nearest branch pa din, or no need?
Depende po, pwede po kayong mag avail ng Quick renewal service sa NBI Clearance Online website.
Ii have paid my NBI Clearance this afternoon. I want to know if the word “PENDING” is change into “PAID” but I can’t sign in to my NBI Clearance Online Account. What should I do?
Bakit ka po hindi maka sign in sa NBI Clearance Online Account mo? Nalimutan mo ba ang iyong password? try mo po ang forgot password feature ng website kung mareretrieve mo pa din.
What If I Ask Someone else to get my NBI clearance Instead Of Me Personally Due To Work Schedule… And How Will It Have My Picture On It And Biometric If I Can Come By That Time?
Hindi po pwede yung ganon. required po ang personal appearance sa pagkuha ng NBI Clearance.
Hello Miss Kat,
I applied my NBI clearance during the gunshow in Megamall last November 16, 2018, I’m done with the biometric fingerprints, photo taking and its already paid but till now the status still pending. Can you please advise kung pano po gagawin at sino pwede makontak? Pano po nag naging process sa mga nag apply sa gunshow? Thanks.
Pwede po mahingi ulit ng reference number kasi ilang bayad center ako pinuntahan hanggang naabutan ng expired .pwede po mahinge ulit ilang days po maexpired ang reference no.?
Ilang days po ba ang waiting time ng Quick Renewal process?
Can i request another copy of my nbi clearance??
Yes po. you can use the NBI Clearance Quick renewal service para sa additional copy ng NBI Clearance.
Gudam po.. paano po pg 1 valid id lng ang available pg mg aply ng nbi clearanz po? Accepted n po b yun?
Try nyo po baka po pwedeng payagan kayo. THough much better at mas sure po kung 2 valid id. pwede din po kayong kumuha ng police clearance para po sa additional valid ids para po makakuha kayo ng NBI Clearance.
Pano mag apply NBI online PAPAGAWA KASI KUYA KO
You can just read the tutorial of NBI Clearance Online which is written above.
Bakit hindi ako maka pag reg sa web site hindi rin gumagana sa cp ang from for appointment
Ang renewal po ba totoong pwd na lng ideliver?salamt
The website does not allow registration for those whose surnames have a dash or hyphen. Kahit na nilagay ko na old nbi clearance number ko ayaw padin, sabi eh surnames must contain only letters and spaces. Eh may dash/hyphen talaga apelyido ko eh pati na sa birth certificate. Removing that dash/hyphen will make me a different person. So pano ako makapag set ng appointment para makakuha ng clearance?
Bakit ayaw pong lumabas ng dash sa surname ko,, okey lang po yun,
I would like to apply an NBI clearance with the purpose additional requirements for my NVC Immigrant Visa…
My Brother and I would like to apply an NBI clearance with the purpose additional requirements for my NVC Immigrant Visa… But my brother ay nasa Canada paano ba mag para sa Brother ko na nasa Canada na cya…?
I want to apply an NBI clearance with the purpos to additional requirements for may PNP promotion
paano po magapply ng NBI CLEARANCE ONLINE
Paano po mag apply ng NBICLERANCE Renewal po thanks
Gusto ko pong Gusto ko pong mag applyng nbi clearance online pero wala po akong valid id, ang nasa akin ay late registration ng live birth ko at ang temporary id ko yong time nagwork po ako sa contruction , pwede na po ba yon?
how to know kung san branch ako nakaschedule?
Can i use the same email ad for different applicants?thanks
NO po, dapat po ibang account na po ang need gamitin para sa ibang tao. magcreate ka nalang po ng bagong account gamit ang ibang email. you can read How to apply an NBI Clearance Online in 2019
There is no “Apply for Clearance” button beside the application form. Is there any other way for me to apply for clearance?
Nagtry po ako magapply ng clearance kaso pag nasa website ako blank red lang po nakikita ko.
Pano po mgrenew ng nbi na kinuha pa po nung 2013?2014 lna po kc yung applicable sa online registration?
Apply NBI Clearance Online Application as a NEW Application. Hindi na po marerecognize ang luma mong NBI Clearance kasi 2013 pa ito naissue.
How to fillup nbi
Pano po kung hapon po ako kumuha ng nbi online tapos kinabukasan ko pa po babayaran??ayos lang po ba yun??
May expiration pof ang NBI Clearance Payment Reference Number, 24 hours lang po ito.
.. lumipat na po kami nang bahay.. saan na po ang website po.para maedit ko na po
How to apply NB I online
Ano po ang requirements ang kailangan sa pag apply ng NBI Clearance?
Two (2) valid IDs po ang requirement sa NBI Clearance Online Application.
Panu po if hindi ko napuntahan yung exact date ng appointment then nakabayad na po ako . Can i still apply another appointment using parin the same email address ??
Kung nakabayad ka na at hindi mo napuntahan, maari mo pa din itong maprocess. as long as hindi pa ito lumilipas ang iyong NBI Clearance Online application ng 30 days.
Do you consider voter’s certification as a valid id? Wala po kasi nirerelease ang comelec sa municipality namin na voter’s id. Wala din naman po ako ibang valid id.
Bakit po ba hindi ako makaonline sa NBI? Invalid daw po email and password. Pero nilog in ko naman sa yahoo account. Bakit po ayaw tanggapin ng NBI?
Ilan days po bago marecieved ang delivery ng online n.b.i renewal?Pupunta pa ba ako for appearance or hindi na?
three to ten working days po ang NBI Clearance Quick Renewal Delivery.
Baket hindi po ako maokay sa nbi quick renewal lage po cnasabi na otp required..
temporary unavailable ang NBI Clearance Quick Renewal.
Bakit di ako makapag online sa nbi online clearance..
Hi. Paano po kapag may mali sa name ko? Ang nalagay sa form ko is ANA JANE GRACE, alam ko posible yan talaga lumabas. Gusto ko lang sana itanong kung pwede ba siya paayos? Dapat po kasi talaga ANA JANEGRACE, kumbaga space lang naman ang kulang. Sa June 20 na ako babalik. Yun kasi inischedule dahil nagka HIT ako. Need ko ng anser please.
Pwede po ba magpunta sa NBI office ahead of scheduled date?
No, kaya nga po may NBI CLearance Online Appointment Schedule para po magkaron ng schedule lahat ng aplikante. Kung gagawin mo yan, madedefeat ang purpose nito.
Hi po, today po ung schedule ko for NBI appointment kaso po isa lang yung valid ID ko need ko pa kumuha, saka nabayaran ko na rin po sa 7 11.Pwede po ba sa monday po ko pumunta sa NBI? Klangan pa po ba ire schedule yung appointment ko? Thanks po!
Wala pong re schedule ng appointment sa NBI Clearance. pero pwede pa din naman po yan, makakapag apply ka pa din po kahit sa monday ka na pumunta. Just make sure na may dalawa kang valid ID as a requirement for NBI Clearance.
Hi! Pwede po bang iclaim yung nbi clearance sa ibang branch if nagka hit? Thanks!
No, kung saan ka nagapply ng NBI Clearance, dun ka lang dapat mag claim.
hi! i am done paying my nbi clearance through 7/11, I have the receipt with the reference no. on it but failed to attend on the appointed date. Can I still use that reference no. to get my nbi clearance in the same branch and or other nbi branches?
OK lang po yun, punta ka nalang po ASAP para iprocess ang iyong NBI Clearance Online.
Nawala ko yung NBI clearance ko, kapag nag apply ba ako ulit magkakaroon po ba ako ng “HIT” dahil bagong NBI Clearance number ang maibibigay sa akin?
Possible po na magkaron ka ng NBI Clearance Hit.
Hello Good afternoon po,
Dati po kasi nakapagapply na po ako ng NBI nung single pa po ako, anu po ba ang dapat at tamang iapply?
for renewal or new application na po ba? Matagal na rin po yung previous applied ko nung single pa ako more than 13years na po ata.
Tanong rin po sana kung ang single turn to maried and re-married nanaman po eh for renewal or new application?.
Maraming salamat po.
New application of NBI Clearance na po ang dapat mong iapply.
hi po! nagkamali po ako ng pagfill out ng form yung nakalagay po is yung maiden’s name ko and gusto ko pong e change to my husband’s last name kse married na status ko. paano po to mapapalitan?
OK lang yan, pwede mo ipa edit yan dun mismo sa NBI Clearance Branch kung saan ka nagapply. make sure na iadvise mo lang ung personnel na mag eencode ng NBI clearance mo.
Down ang NBI POEA, releasing date ko ngayon. Sabi head daw sa main office pero may pasok ako.
pwede ba kunin ko nalang at a later date sa POEA din? After a week siguro online na sila.
Hello ma’am/sir,
Gusto ko iupdate ung personal information na nakalagay sa existing nbi account ko. Kaso, everytime na kini-click ko ung “SAVE INORMATION” button, lumalabas yung error na “The HUSBAND SURNAME may only contain letters and spaces.”. Based dun sa existing personal information ko, nakalagay sa Husband Surname is “-” lang and wala pong provided na space para sa HUSBAND SURNAME dun sa edit panel. BTW, I’m male and single, so wala naman talaga dapat ako ilalagay dun sa information na yun. Thanks in advance sa magrereply.
Check mo po ang gender dun sa personal information mo. baka po mali ang naselect nyo. Baka po female.
Tama naman po lahat ng information na nakalagay.
Pwede po bang wag ko na muna iupdate? tapos dun nalang po sa mismong NBI iupdate? inform ko nalang skanila yung error na naeencounter ko kapag ako mismo nageedit sa site nila?
I think pwede naman po yun sa branch mo ipa edit ang iyong NBI clearance application.
pwede pa ba kumuha ng nbi clearance kahit di ako nkapunta ng appointment date ko? paid na sya thanks.
Yes po, pwede po na sa ibang araw ka pumunta para kumuha ng NBI Clearance. Basta po wag mo patagalin at palipasin ng 2 weeks. Puntahan mo nalang po ASAP.
hi good day. ask ko lang bkit hindi ako mkapag proceed sa pagregister. meron ako nbi released last 2016. pero ang sbi kailangan ko pumunta sa nbi branch mismo.
That’s correct. hindi ka po pwede mag avcail ng NBI Clearance Quick Renewal at need mo po mag register ng appointment sa NBI Clearance.
Magandang araw po.
Yung apelyedo ko po kasi ay may hyphen(-), kaso ayaw naman tanggapin yung hyphen sa apelyedo ko. Kaya tinanggal ko yung hyphen at pinalitan ng blank. Magkakaproblema po kaya ako kapag pinakita ko yung pangalan ko sa id ko vs dun sa nakaregister kong pangalan sa site nila?
Salamat sa pagsagot.
POssible po na magkaron ng problema. Pwede mo po itong ipa edit sa NBI Clearance Branch mismo. Sabihin mo lang sa nageencode (NBI Clearance Staff) at ipakita ang proof na meron ngang hypen ang iyong apelyido.
Hello po, bago palang po ako kukuha ng NBI clearance. Kailangan po ba muna magregister online o pwede pong deresto na sa office?
Good morning po, is it okay po ba n mgpunta sa other nbi clearance branch and not the branch that i applied po?thank you.
No, kung saang NBI Clearance branch ka lamang po pwede pumunta. dun ka lamang po pwede magapply at magclaim.
Pwede po ba PSA birth cert and Voter’s Cert lang ang ipakita ko? Wala pa po kasi akong valid id’s
Panu mag renew sa online please help me?
Hi goodevning Maam/Sir. I need to get a nbi clearance.
this to inform your good office that several times encountered some typographical error on filling up the form online and there is are instances that made me diaappointed of this process like wasting money in reapplying a new in order to correct the typo error. I can’t imagine that the public servant couldn’t help the applicants in a very simple problem like editing. I really can get through with this policy that if you made an typo error the solution is to pay again for a new application instead of correcting the error. I had experience that a while ago and I can’t believe that a simple problem cannot be solve in a very reasonable solution. I am very disappointed.
Hello, hindi po kailangang magbayad po. first responsibility po ng applicant na mag enter ng correct personal information. second, kung nagkamali po, pwede po ito pacorrect dun mismo sa branch. You can insist sa NBI Clearance personnel na ayusin ang spelling kung minor lamang po.
Baka sadyabg du ka lang po marunong mag apply to the point na kailangan mo pa ng tulong ng iba. Nakakalungkot isipin na para sa iaang ainpleng bagay ay automatic na sinisisi sa mga public servants. Common sense po naman kahit konti, ikaw nag aapply so siyempre kasalanan mo talaga mag ka typo. If nahihirapan ka sa cellphone mo, edi sa computer ka. If you can register a Facebook Account, doing this is a very SIMPLE task to do.
Open po ba kayo ngayong labor day?
Of course sarado po. National holiday po ito kaya walang pasok.
Good morning. I missed my nbi clearance appointment yesterday, and I already paid last Saturday. How can I reschedule? Thank you.
Pwede mo pa puntahan yan as long as within the expiry period. Nakasulat po ito sa Transactions menu kung hanggang kelan ito valid. pero i advice na puntahan mo na sya ASAP bago pa magexpire.
Upon payment at 7/11, I accidentally hit the close button and.unfortunately the cancel status appeared. Is there anyway to retrieve my application? And how about my payment?
Good morning. I missed my nbi clearance appointment yesterday, and I already paid it. What should I do? Should I just go now or resched another appointment? Thank you
Puntahan mo lang at pwede mo pa ito iprocess ang iyong nbi clearance.
Good evening po tanong ko lang po kong may branch po kayong open pag saturday po para sa nbi clearance
wala pong open sa pagkakaalam ko na NBI Clearance branch tuwing sabado.
Saan po dito ma fill up??
Kailan po expiration ng nbi clearance?
ano po ba mag register sa nbi
Hello po pwedi po mag pa verify po ng ref ? pero nabayaran po sya? mai rerefund po ba yung payment nun ? paano po ?
Sa refund, sa main office po ito dapat inaasikaso.
Anu poh ttype pra makapag online ng nbi computer…Kukuha poh kasi ako nbi
Hindi ko po nakuha ang nakaschedule Kong nbi clearance last May 20, 2019 pa. Pwede pa po ba ako kumuha ng another appointment?
hindi ko po sigurado kung valid pa yang appointment mo dahil napakatagal na din nyan. POssibleng hindi na ihonor yan.
Ano po ilalagay sa MOTHER’S NAME? Maiden name nya po ba or yung complete name nya ngayon with my father’s last name? Thank you.
Hi. Paano po kapag may mali sa name ko? Ang nalagay sa form ko is ANA JANE GRACE, alam ko posible yan talaga lumabas. Gusto ko lang sana itanong kung pwede ba siya paayos? Dapat po kasi talaga ANA JANEGRACE, kumbaga space lang naman ang kulang. Sa June 20 na ako babalik. Yun kasi inischedule dahil nagka HIT ako. Need ko ng anser please.
hi pano po kaya kung nabayaran ko na kaso na cancel ko po? pwede pa po kaya yun?
Paano po mag fill up form
Pano po kaya bayad na yung NBI ko, pero di ko nakuha dahil busy na sa work? can i still claim it ba? since bayad naman sya at may resibo pa ko??
After po makabayad need po ba iprint out ang application form or hndi na? Thanks
Optional po yun. ang importante po ay alam mo ang iyong NBI Clearance reference number.
Hello. My schedule is this tomorrow (friday) but I’m still lacking some requirements. Can i still go there next week and will they still accommodate me?
SA totoo Lang napakahirap gamitin Ng site nyo, nka wifi na kami paano pa Kaya Yung mga walang wifi… Useless,non sense.. Sayang pera ginagamit dito n Galing tax namin. Dapat sentro agad s application form.
Paki ayos naman po ng site hindi ko agad makita yung online application
If i want to use the family name of my husband so it will appear from my application and how i will make it if i already filled it and i need to wsit again.
Bakit po maiden name lumalabas sa account ko and walang blank para sa married name? Will it still be changed to my married name after ko maprocess ung application?
I want to apply NBI CLEARANCE
Gusto ko pong kumuha ng NBI clearance
grabe naman po NBI!!!! ni walang otption where to start. puro instruction kuno that doesn’t even help. Please do a friendly user OPTION!!!!! you guys are fooling us!!
basahin mo po, instruction po iyan. kung hindi mo babasahin, kahit user friendly na ang user interface, wala din.
I actually spend before the time was even start. There are a lot of instructions that doesn’t even us!!!! what the heck is this!!! You guys are trying to sabotage the current administration by doing this annoying process online. Pictures are just pictures that can’t even show when you try start. annoying!!!!
binasa mo ba talaga? o tumitingin ka lang? kasi kung nagbasa ka, hindi ka maliligaw.
Hi, if you are scheduled at PM, aabot po ba kung 4pm na pupunta? And what if mamiss mo yun schedule mo, is your application still valid on the next day? Thanks!
I’m not sure. Aga agahan mo nalang po. Baka kasi may cut off sila and madaming tao sa branch kung saan ka nakapag paschedule ng NBI Clearance.
I’ll renew my nbi clearance but I don’t have the copy i understand that i have to register as new on my online appointment. But my question is can i change my signature on my nbi clearance? Thank you
Hello. I have a question po. NBI clearance is part of my pre-employment requirements and they told me to get it done by tomorrow which is Aug 5, ’19. Since i’m from the south, I prefer to do it on the branches near me so I checked slots but there are none for tomorrow. So i paid for the other scheduled date. Is it still possible to go to the main branch where I checked that they have a lot of slots available and use the receipt I have which is for other date so I can get it done by tomorrow? Thank you.
Gusto ko kumuha ng nbi clearance gamit ang present address ko pero valid IDs ko naka address sa lumang tirahan ko
Good morning po. Pwede po ba ang voters certificate? kasi po hindi na dumating ang voters id ko.
Nakakainis na kanina pa ako looking saan Yung form na fifill upan ko. Ang hirap kada click sa phone Hindi lumalabas Yung form.
I understand what the agreement
And how to get NBi
After receiving the NBI clearance do I need to sign on it or affix my thumbmark?
Hi! I’ve tried multiple appoitment but with different dates but with the same location and it was verified by the system. I did it just in case i missed the other day appoitment because of my school schedules. I even paid the two transactions. Does my appoitment scheduled still valid? Thank you.
I understand what the agreement
And how to get NBi
Hi good day to all,
If you don’t, how to process nbi abroad i had already a multi-purpose nbi! What are step by step procedure to process for convient transactions.
Hello po, San ko po makikita ung form? Mag apply po sana ako for NBI CLEARANCE.thank you
Kindly read and follow the instruction po.
how to get nbi clearance
Ask ko lang po paano po mag apply ng nbi clearance sa online?
Maari mo pong basahin ang steps sa pag apply ng NBI Clearance sa article sa itaas.
PWede ka pong bumalik sa ibang araw, pero hangga’t maari wag mo na po patagalin. pwede po ito mag expire.
how to get nbi
how to get an appointment to get NBI clearance?
Hello Noel, you can read the tutorial above for nbi clearance application.
I like to get a nbi clearance for work i apply a paint man for construction…. How can i applied a nbi clearance.?
Tanong ko lang nag online nbi po ako sa bayad center tapos nabayaran ko po ng sept 18 2019. Tapos hindi na po ako nakapunta sa nbi city hall para ma claim yung nbi ko sa kadahilanang inatake ako ng hika pero may resibo ako sa bayad center na nabayaran ko. Tanong ko lang po. Hanggang ngayon hindi ko pa napipila sa city hall yung nbi ma eexpired po ba yung nabayaran ko sa bayad center?
May expiration po yang payment mo… puntahan mo nalang po sa lalong madaling panahon bago pa ito magexpire. Hindi ko masabi kung kelan ang expiration nyan kasi makikita mo po yan pag naglog in ka sa iyong NBI Clearance online account.
Good day po! Pwede po bang ipa deliver na lang yung nbi clearance? after two weeks pa po kasi ako pinapabalik kasi po ‘with hit’ po ako.. nasa probinsya pa po kasi ang address ko. Thanks po.
Hi Maam /Sir
Naka receive na po ako ng reference number pero may na edit ulit ako sa information. Need pa po ba i click ulit yung apply clearance pagnatapos yung pag edit sa information.
Pno kumuha NG nbi clearance po mam sir
Paano kami mama_apply ayaw mglabas ng form website niyo dahil pinipira niyo Kami DA net shop niyo
I want to renew nbi clearance.
I want to register online NBI
I want to register online nbi
How to apply NBI mam/sir?
Nbi clearance
Can I still claim my nbi clearance if I misses the apt and paid it already?
Same dilemma : Can I still claim my nbi clearance if I missed the appointment and paid it already?
I picked the branch that is near in my office but its far away from our house. Its my 5th day that I missed the schedule, and unfortunately I didnt go to work today. Can I still go to NBI and go to the nearest branch in in our home?
I want to apply nbi online
Guys, I have something to ask. Nakuha ko na yung NBI clearance ko, and naipasa ko na din yun sa employer ko dito sa Makati, but then, na-okay ung Job offer ko sa Dubai, and one requirements is ung NBI din. Pwede ko ba ulit gamitin ung Reference code ko dun sa dati kong NBI, parang Re-print lang, para hindi na ako ulit makipila? August ung old ko, wala pa namang 6mos. Thank you pag may sumagot po.
Hi was supposed to have a scheduled appointement today pero due to bad weather they closed without prior notice. When is the resched date for getting my nbi clearance. I already paid for it. Ty
Hi, what about if you are already living abroad? How can i acquire an nbi clearance when there is no nbi offices where you live?
Can i pick up at any branch my nbi clearance
Good day! I already paid for my appointment however, I won’t be able to present my valid ID which I indicated. Can I present other valid IDs instead although, it’s different from what I said I’ll present? Thank you.
Sure! its fine as long as its listed as VALID ID issued by our government.
Hi i missed my appointment yesterday but I paid already as per the receipt or the payment itself it is valid until feb 5. Can I still go?
Pwede po kahit dun sa mismong NBI nalang pumunta?
Kakakuha ko pa lang ng nbi clearance ko ngayon po nawawala po ang original at di ko pa po napapa xerox pwede pa po ba ako kumuha or magpa reprint nlng sa nbi branch
Hi. Can I claim my NBI the day before my appointment date? Tnx
Is it okay if i apply for clearance with the same account i used before ? Since i lost my previous nbi clearance and its also expired
Hi. I have an existing NBI clearance in 2018 for local employment purpose. Now I need it for Travel Abroad purpose. What should I do? Thank you
Wala na pong “Travel Abroad” purposes dahil multi purpose NBI clearance na po lahat ng iniissue.
Hi good afternoon. Meron po kasi akong hit at lagpas na sa araw na ibinigay sakin para balikan yon. Makukuha ko padin ba ito?
Of course, mababalikan mo pa ito at makukuha. basta po hindi pa lagpas ng 10 days ang delay ha. yung iba kasi strikto so dapat balikan mo na agad ito sa lalong madaling panahon.
Hello, kung nalimutan ang napiling branch ng appointment, saan ito pwede maireview?
panu po mcheck ang napiling nbi branch kasi po nakalimutan ko? thanks po
Hi, its been month passed since my appoinment. But i already paid it. Magbabayad pa po ba ako ulit, kung magpapasched po ako ng panibago?
hi hellow po mg aaply po ako ng K1 visa need ko po ng police clearance ng work po ako sa Taiwan at korea need ko po ba pa lagyan ng tatak ang makukuha kong NBI sa main branch nyo po
Hi ! I’m one of those people who had been unfortunately status as hit with the certification. Now, it is stated that I should go back for a couple of days. But unluckily, the ECQ had been actioned by the government so I can’t physically go to the office to claim it. Is it possible that I can claim it through online? Like they can send me a pdf or sort of so I can send it to my employer and I can be qualified for the work-from-home employees. Is it possible?
Pwede ko bang makuha ng mas maaga ang NBI clearance? June 2 is supposed to be my appointment pero june 1 pa lang ngayon bayad ko na. Pwede bang makuha na sya ngayon?
OK Lang po ba Pumunta ng NBI to get a clearance before sa date ng nakaschedule na appointment date, nabayran na kasi.ang nkasched is july 29 pwede bang Pumunta ng Mas maaga pa sa 29? Thank you
Good day po pwede po humingi ng copy ng link pano kumuha ng schedule for nbi clearance..?? Thankyou..
yung link na sinesend sakin for forgot password di gumagana nag cacrash po siya. ano po gagawin ko?
What if I already pay the NBI clearance but failed to appear on the appointment date due to lockdown, can i still claim it without paying again?
Schedule ko bukas kaso hindi ko pa nabayaran pede bang bukaa ko nalang bayaran?
Good Day
What if my name on burth certificate is ‘Ma.’
But in the online system of nbi cannot accepted but instead of that I’ll try ‘Ma’ is acceptable is it correct ? What will I’m gonna right on the system ? Which one is correct or else ? Pls thank you
I missed my NBI Clearance Appointment last June 30, 2020.
I already paid for it. Makukuha ko pa po ba yong binayad ko?
Di ko po masave information ko “THE FATHER BIRTH PLACE MAY ONLY CONTAIN LETTERS AND SPACES”yung lumalabas. Paano po ito? need ko po kasi magrenew ng nbi clearance online. thank u sa sasagot.
How can my son, who is in AUSTRALIA apply for an NBI clearance online?
I have a friend in Australia who was supposed to come home April 2020 but wasn’t ale to because of the pandemic. She would like to come home now that things have eased down but unfortunately, her Visa has expired and Australian Immigration will only renew her Visa if she updates and submit her Philippine NBI Clearance for 2020. She told me that our Brisbane Embassy is still closed at present.
Can I follow it up for her here in the Philippines. I have a copy of her old NBI Clearance dated 2006. PLEASE ADVICE.. Thank you and GOD Bless!
is it ok to go and do your biometrics and photo capture earlier than your scheduled appointment?
i forgot where i scheduled my NBI. can i go @ any branch? or is their any way to know what branch i was schedulde?
Good day! pwede po ba mag chance slot pag malayo pa po ang schedule? for example,nagpasched po ako ng december pero need ko na po ng clearance by october,may chance po ba ako makakuha ng slot the day of october pag nagpunta po ako sa branch? hope for your response.Thanks!
Pwede ko ba puntahan ang NBI ko kahit december pa schedule pero bayad na?. Salamat ?
Pwede pa po ba ako magpa Sched ulit if di ako nakapunta nung Thursday OCT 15 for appointment? What i mean bayad na po yon, pwede po ba magpa re-sched ulit?
Can we reschedule NBI processing IF government offices are suspended on the day it is scheduled? If yes, how? And do we need to pay for it again?
I have an appointment tomorrow, Nov 12, 2020, at NBI Cavite District Office. However, the said office posted a notice on their FB Page that they are temporarily closed starting Nov 11 due to office relocation. No proper recommendations and advice to us. What should we do? And btw, In my case, I already paid it thru GCash. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks.
We schedule an appointment today,and we already paid for it but unfortunately the office today were closed, can we still used our scheduled appointment for the next days?
Can i get my nbi clearance before my appointment schedule once i already paid it to 711
Hello Good day! Is it possible to get my NBI clearance 3days before my appointment? Because i will start to my new work on Nov. 23 and my appointment is Nov. 24..
Should i need to pay online payment before i go to nbi branch? What if i missed to pay due to offline seevices of western? What will i do? Thanks
Iam ofw, I authorize a person to get my nbi,how can i do my biometrics online?
What if your supposed schedule was declared as holiday?
If I missed my appointment and go to the NBI branch, is there a penalty?
Can I advance the payment of my NBI Clearance ahead from my appointment? I just need a receipt to show my employer.
Thank you for your response!
Hi. Just want to ask po, i have already a reference number paid, but I dont have an appointment? It is possible that I can go to rhe branch? Kase nung pinindot ko yung quick renewal, for payment agad. I didn’t know na needed pa pala gumawa ng account. What should I do? Thanks
Hi. Magtatanung lng po.
Kapag po ba nahit tapos pinabalik sa ibang araw, kelangan pa po bang luminya ulit?
May mga kaso po kasi na nagcucutoff. Madame pong mga taong nakapagset ng date online kaso hindi nakaproceed kasi nacutoff sila sa linya.
Ang line of thought ko naman po, kung may bilang lng na maacomodate nila, at ngsama ung mga taong nakapagset ng date para sa appointment at ung mga taong babalik kasi may hit ung name nila sa previous appoint ment nila, paano ang gagawin nung mga taong nacutoff na first appointment pa lang.
So dapat bang luminya pa ulit ung mga babalik lng dahil sa hit?
Salamat po.
ok lang po ba e cancel ko ang appointment ko for delivery di pa po ako naka bayad
i scheduled an appointment online last March 25, 2022. Today is March 29, and i still haven’t paid it yet. it’s been 4 days, can i still pay? is my reference number still valid. or i should just make another appointment to get another reference number??
how to apply NBI clearance
Hi gusto ko sana mg appointment para makuha NBI clearance po thank you
Pano mag apply ng NBI clearance online kung ang pangalan ay merong dash sa gitna katulad g pangalan ko MEL-ANN?
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На этом ресурсе вы найдете клинику психологического здоровья, которая предлагает поддержку для людей, страдающих от тревоги и других ментальных расстройств. Мы предлагаем эффективные методы для восстановления ментального здоровья. Наши специалисты готовы помочь вам преодолеть трудности и вернуться к гармонии. Профессионализм наших психологов подтверждена множеством положительных обратной связи. Запишитесь с нами уже сегодня, чтобы начать путь к лучшей жизни.
На этом ресурсе вы найдете центр психологического здоровья, которая обеспечивает профессиональную помощь для людей, страдающих от стресса и других психологических расстройств. Эта эффективные методы для восстановления ментального здоровья. Врачи нашего центра готовы помочь вам преодолеть проблемы и вернуться к психологическому благополучию. Квалификация наших специалистов подтверждена множеством положительных отзывов. Запишитесь с нами уже сегодня, чтобы начать путь к восстановлению.